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Newsletter 28/06/16

Dear Subscriber!

The eco-system around our PoolParty Semantic Suite is growing. With the launch of the PoolParty Academy in September this year we will have an additional entry point into our universe of products, services, consultancy and a vital community - to ease the life for active stakeholders along the Linked Data Life Cycle. Read about this and much more in this summer edition of the SWC Newsletter.
With best regards,
Thomas Thurner

PoolParty Academy is
opening in September 2016

  PoolParty Academy offers three E-Learning tracks that enable customers, partners and individual professionals to learn Semantic Web technologies and PoolParty Semantic Suite in particular.

You can pre-register for the PoolParty Academy training tracks at the academy's website or join our live class-room at the biggest European industrial Semantic Web conference – SEMANTiCS 2016.
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Tellura (UK) and PoolParty announce strategic partnership

  We are pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Tellura. Headquartered in the UK, Tellura helps organisations to build meaningful content and information architectures.
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Recommended Reading: The Accidental Taxonomist by Heather Hedden

  The Accidental Taxonomistis the most comprehensive guide available to the art and science of building information taxonomies. Heather Hedden—one of today’s leading writers, instructors, and consultants on indexing and taxonomy topics—walks readers through the process, displaying her trademark ability to present highly technical information straightforward.
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Tomas Knap on Linked Data Quality

  In the awarded paper SWC's Tomas Knap evaluated (measured the precision and recall, discussed the lessons learned) of the approach of leveraging tabular data from the two Austrian open data portal using TableMiner+ tool.
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Success stories with connected data

  There’s a lot going on in the world of connected data in 2016. From investigative journalism triumphs such as the Panama Papers to important pan-European Linked Open Data intiatives. Technologies using the semantic web and graph-based approaches continue to develop and mature at a rapid pace. Connected Data London brings together the semantic and graph worlds in one great conference.

Listen to SWC's Timea Turdean there who speaks about success stories at SWC. Join us 12th of July in London. There are still discounted tickets available. Just provide the discount code: CD_200 at the event's registration website
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W3C RDF and XML Interoperability Community Group

  The goal of the new group is to identify application areas in which the combined processing of XML and RDF data and tooling is beneficial; identify barriers to the joint usage of the two technology stacks and propose standardization topics.
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Participate in the European Linked Data Contest

  Ambassador throughout Europe are looking for the Crème de la Crème of Linked Data and Semantic Web. So now it's time to submit your projects, products and industry implementations involving linked data.
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Proudly serving our new customers

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Event Tip

The Big Data Europe - Open PHACTS pilot

Webinar, July 6,
15:00-16:00 CEST
The first round of pilots for the Big Data Europe project is about to enter the evaluation phase. For this challenge the Open PHACTS foundation, Manchester University and the VU Amsterdam are working on the Open PHACTS docker and its integration with the Big Data Europe infrastructure.
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Event Tip


The Linked Data Conference
September 12-15 Leipzig, Germany
The SEMANTiCS program is a rich mix of technical talks, panel discussions of important topics, and presentations by people who make things work – just like you.
Meet us in the exhibition area and let us help you solve your semantic data challenges!
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Event Tip

MyData 2016

August 31 - Sept. 2
Helsinki, Finland
MyData 2016 is an international conference that focuses on human centric personal information management.

Meet Martin Kaltenböck there!
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Event Tip

European Data Forum

June 29-30
Eindhoven, NL
The European Data Forum (EDF) is an important meeting place for industry, research, policy makers and community initiatives to discuss the challenges of Big Data and the emerging Data Economy and to develop suitable action plans for addressing these challenges.

Meet our PoolParty Team there.
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