Why Wasn't This Reported on the News?
March 2, 2023
Dianne Feinstein, 89, missing work due to ‘health matter'
Dianne Feinstein, 89, missing work due to ‘health matter'
Sen. Diane Feinstein, 89, committed to staying in Congress until the end of her current term in 2024... but now she's missing because of a serious "health matter." Read More 
Why Wasn't This Reported on the News?
Why Wasn't This Reported on the News?
[Sponsored] Scientists decided to see if they could rewind aging in 100-year-olds. They gave a daily ½ teaspoon supply of a specific substance to 100-year-olds, to see if it would transform their bodies younger. You'll be FLOORED by what happened... Click here to see the result. Watch it Now
Gunmen threaten world's biggest sports star
Gunmen threaten world's biggest sports star
Lionel Messi, the world's biggest sports star, was threatened by gunmen at his in-law's store. So what happens now? Read More 
Sen. John Fetterman makes strange announcement…
Sen. John Fetterman makes strange announcement…
Poor, poor John Fetterman. Did you see this strange announcement that caused disbelief among critics? What's even stranger: His office is banning anyone who mentions it. Read More 
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