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Tune in to at 12 p.m. ET to watch Steve Kornacki break down how President Trump’s approval ratings are on the rise and how this could play out in the midterms in three weeks.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test: Has she 'out Trumped' Trump?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren released the results of a DNA test proving Native American ancestry after President Trump has continued to criticize her heritage and called her "Pocahontas." Nicolle Wallace and the panel weigh in on Deadline White House.
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GOP aims to suppress Native American North Dakotans vote to hinder Sen. Heitkamp
Rachel Maddow looks at new rules Republicans in North Dakota have imposed that make it harder for Native Americans to vote, undercutting a key part of Sen. Heidi Heitkamp's constituency.
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Trump on Khashoggi: ‘Could’ve been rogue killers’
Saudi Arabia is discussing whether to claim Jamal Khashoggi was killed in an interrogation gone wrong. Rami Khouri tells Ali Velshi that Trump "seems to be working closely with Saudi leadership." Brian Klaas and Evelyn Farkas join the discussion on The Last Word.
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Trump got personally involved in Stormy Daniels pushback: Vanity Fair
Emily Jane Fox, senior reporter for Vanity Fair, talks with Rachel Maddow about Donald Trump violating his promise not to get involved in his company's business, and personally directing employees, including his son, Eric, on pushing back against Stormy Daniels' claims of an affair.
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'Am I a baby?’: Ari Melber and Katy Tur on Trump’s deepest wound
Trump on mocking Dr. Blasey Ford: 'It doesn't matter. We won.'
Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez is mobilizing young voters
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