While the market may look to bid for acres, Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie says some farmers are switching crop rotations—but their decision isn’t necessarily based on the futures price.
USDA is moving forward with $20 per acre payments for price-triggered crops outlined in the CFAP. It was approved by Congress in December, but payments were paused when the new administration took office.
Farmers and ranchers have more time to sign up for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The Senate passed legislation this week to extend the deadline from March 31 to May 31. The measure is expected to be signed by President Joe Biden.
Average feedyard margins slipped below breakeven for the first time this year, with calculated losses of about $1 per head. Hog producers found average profits of $56 per head as the rally in hog prices continued.
Heavy rains in eastern Australia have caused the worst floods in more than half a century, submerging houses, wiping out roads and bridges, sweeping away livestock and destroying cotton crops just ahead of harvest.
Join Mitchell Hora and Millennial Farmer Zach Johnson as these two farmers take you on a tour of Hora’s Washington, Iowa, farm. Hora, founder of Continuum Ag, will show some of his cover crops and field trials in progress.