MPR News PM Update
Jan. 22, 2019
Angela Davis
About 200,000 Americans died from prescription opioid-related overdoses from 1999 to 2015. Here in Minnesota, we saw an 18% increase in opioid-involved deaths in a single year. Today, I talked with three guests about the efforts to reduce opioid addiction in Minnesota. Listen to the full discussion here . Tune in tomorrow at 11 a.m. to catch my conversation with two women of color sharing their experience in science, technology, engineering and mathematical careers. ~  Angela Davis, MPR News host  | Forecast
Senate set to vote on two competing plans to end shutdown
The Senate will push forward with two votes this week to end the government shutdown -- but it's doubtful either will pass. 

House committee approves 'hands-free' cell phone bill

Minnesotans who have lost loved ones in crashes involving distracted drivers are urging lawmakers to pass a hands-free cell phone requirement this year to prevent similar tragedies.

Lawmakers move to criminalize groping

A bill that cleared a state senate committee Tuesday eliminates a more than 30-year-old exemption in state law that makes intentionally touching someone's clothing on and around their buttocks legal. | This week at the Capitol

Supreme Court takes 1st gun case in nearly a decade, possibly with big consequences

Depending on how narrowly or broadly the court rules, it has a majority now to affect gun rights and restrictions in a dramatic way.

White House moves forward with State of the Union plans after Pelosi urged delay

It's unclear whether House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will allow the president to address Congress amid the government shutdown. Trump was originally invited by the speaker to make the speech next Tuesday.

Editor's Note: Racial bias in MPR's work? We want to know

An upcoming conference aims to encourage journalists to examine their own racial biases and assumptions. MPR is part of that effort and is taking a deep look now at its own newsroom.

When rural hospitals end baby delivery, small towns pay

For medical and financial reasons, a growing number of rural hospitals have stopped delivering babies. That's adding risks to rural birth, and making it that much harder to keep people in small-town Minnesota like Grand Marais that sees the impact firsthand.

Minnesota Court of Appeals rejects tenure challenge again

The Minnesota Court of Appeals has once again rejected a lawsuit alleging that teacher tenure and seniority rights in public schools saddle students of color with ineffective teachers and violate students' rights to an adequate education.

Fans sue NFL over non-call in NFC championship

The two conference championship games on Sunday proved anew that the NFL has the worst officiating in all of sports. The lamentations in the aftermath of the New Orleans – Los Angeles Rams game proves anew that the world has too many lawyers.

Opponents rally on anniversary of legal abortion

Abortion opponents rallied Tuesday at the Minnesota Capitol to mark the anniversary of the 1973 Roe versus Wade court decision that legalized abortion but their ability to enact legislation took a hit in last year's election.

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