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Quick Manufacturing News

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 Quick Manufacturing News 

In The Spotlight

Quad Sink 61bca8cc86119

A look at three companies that succeeded at innovation by reframing how they think about risks.


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Covid-19 has increased stress on our planet’s environment, food systems, and living conditions, and accelerated calls for climate action. Attend this webinar for expert advice on developing competent decarbonization and climate action strategies.

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The XA100 adaptive cycle engine is being developed for the Force’s Adaptive Engine Transition Program, to improve F-35 aircraft range and acceleration, and enhance its combat effectiveness.

Dangerous Goods Storage 2 61b8b9209188c

"There are existing international, national and local regulations for dangerous goods in transit for various modes of transport but there is no direct equivalent for warehouses."

Ethics 61ba471b2d068

"As you look ahead to your work in 2022, I encourage you to ask yourself, “Do my actions align with my core values and the values of my chosen profession?” asks ASSP President Bradley Giles.

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Joe Manchin of West Virginia said in an interview on Fox News Sunday that he would not sign the $1.75 billion bill.

Product Spotlight, Courtesy of NewEquipment.com

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A single-pane-of-glass view of the entire lifecycle of every order, the Order Intelligence Hub extends real-time visibility.


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