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Sensor Actor Line Y-Splitter February 2017
Dear Sir or Madam,
The CONEC product portfolio of passive distribution components has been expanded to include some new variants. In addition to the previously existing versions of Duo-splitter, i.e. T-splitter, a new Y-splitter line has been developed.

This series provides a cost-effective and practical wiring system in the field for sensors and actors with a cabling system that meets protection class IP67. Junction systems are used anywhere sensor and actor signals need to be extended quickly and easly for connection to their superordinate control systems. Individual signals are either connected directly to the superordinate system via a homerun cable or via a connection interface.

Costs of wiring will be reduced and due to the pre-assembly connection faults can be excluded. A central mounting hole for M3 screws ensures secure attachment in the field.

For this purpose, the appropriate known circuits are available. (Special circuits upon request)

For information and application specific questions, please contact us!

Your Sales Team
CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH
to the product area


.• Reduced installation costs
.• Space saving by compact design
.• Use in harsh environments due to
   IP67 protection class
.• High flexibility due to 3 cable outlets

.Fields of application:
.• Drive technology
.• Automation
.• Housing and device connections
.• Industrial interfaces
.• Communication technology
.• Machine manufacturing
.• Assembly and production lines

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CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH
Ostenfeldmark 16
59557 Lippstadt
Tel.: +49 2941 765-0
Fax: +49 2941 765-65
Raimund Carl, Dolphy Schwarz,
Sven Holtgrewe
Amtsgericht Paderborn
HRB 5515