Our SEO for WordPress eBook is on sale now for only $19 instead of $25!

SEO for WordPress eBook on sale now!

Our SEO for WordPress eBook is on sale! This week, you'll pay only $19 instead of $25! Learn how to optimize your entire website and get this eBook now!
Get our SEO for WordPress eBook now »
SEO for WordPress is our most extensive eBook (at 225 pages) in which we cover all SEO aspects needed for everyone owning or maintaining a website. 

Our eBook can be read from cover to cover, giving you everything you need to know and do to make your site rank well in search engines. We'll also cover user experience, great writing, coming up with ideas and marketing and monetizing your blog. Our eBook is a must have for people who just started out with WordPress, but also a great reference work for those who already know their way around the major SEO topics!

SEO for WordPress contains lots of practical tips and includes many examples. These tips and examples will make this eBook our most practical one yet. We'll really help you to put the theory to practice and to start optimizing your site right a way!

Ask Yoast: www or not

"Does the www and non www version of a page create a duplicate content issue, and if so how can I deal with it?"

Joost answers in his vlog!

Ask Yoast: www or not
Do you have a question about SEO yourself? Send an email to ask@yoast.com!

Free Complete SEO Pack with a site review

Want to be found by customers and keep your visitor’s attention? Order a site review! One of our SEO experts will check your site on many SEO aspects like site speed, content and user experience. You'll get a lot of practical tips and recommendations so you know how to optimize your own site!

If you order a site review now, you'll get our Complete SEO Pack for free! This means you'll get a 1-year-license for ALL of our premium plugins for free!

Order a site review now! »

Test your SEO knowledge!

At WordCamp Vienna, we let people check their SEO knowledge by taking our quiz! This quiz is based on our SEO Copywriting training. Curious how much you know about SEO? Here's a question: 

Joost is trying to come up with ideas for his blog post.  
Why is it beneficial for him to look at the queries people use in his internal search function?
A) The queries will show him what topics his audience associate his brand with.
B) The queries will show him what his audience is looking for on his website.
C)The queries will show him which articles he should improve.
D) All other answers are correct.

Want to see the right answer? Scroll down to the end of this newsletter!
Want to learn even more? Check out our SEO Copywriting training and start right away!

Bouldering with Ramon!

Our Spanish support team colleague Ramon is staying in the Netherlands! We're really pleased to have him here and work with him at the Yoast HQ. This weekend, we took him to a climbing wall with a few colleagues. We had sore muscles afterwards but is was a lot of fun!
The correct answer of the question of our SEO quiz is D, all answers are correct.
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