Constitution Party of Tennessee

Statewide Meeting
September 9, 2017 

LOCATION: Jen's Steak & Seafood
                    15371 Tennessee 13
                    Hurricane Mills, TN 37078
                    Just off I-40

View MapTickets $10 @

Doors Open at 10:30AM (Central Time).  Registration to begin shortly thereafter.  You can use the time to meet some of the speakers and talk one-on-one as well.
Meeting Scheduled To Begin at 11:00AM (Central Time).  

Who do you know who would make a great Constitution Party candidate in 2018?  
Have them contact our State Chairman!  
Bring them with you!  

The time to begin the race is NOW!

Speakers Include:
Darrell Castle: Darrell Castle was our Constitution Party Presidential Candidate in 2016. Darrell is the host of the "Castle Report" podcast also available on iTunes. Darrell garnered a record number of votes nationally for any Constitution Party presidential candidate. His knowledge of the Constitution, national and international issues set him appart from all the competition. Listen and see for yourself! Meet Darrell Castle and gain insights the major media would prefer you not know.
Cindy Redburn: Vice Chair of the Constitution Party of Missouri. Cindy has considerable insites on how to build a local party, even if you are starting from nothing. We are in the best period of time for the Constitution Party to fill the void people almost universally feel in governance based on the rule of law rather than the lust for power and representation OF THE PEOPLE rather than representation of the whims and desire of the elites and powerful. It does NOT TAKE MONEY, it take a willingness to engage in our communities and Cindy Redburn will show us how.

As a party we have tended to keep our speakers internal to party members.  While the following speakers may not be part of us they represent people and organizations who consistently put principle over party and private interests. Their consistent public commitment to our Constitution(s) and self governance under the rule of law and the laws of God have been unwavering...

Michael Maharrey: Communications Director at the Tenth Amendment Center, Author of "Our Last Hope" and other books. Podcast Host: "Thoughts From Maharrey Head" 10 minutes closer to freedom! Michael says "My political views are shaped by my faith in Jesus Christ. If you are interested in exploring the teachings of Christ as they intersect with the state, and the relationship between anarcho-capitalism and Christianity, visit my page"
Hannah Cox: Beacon Center of Tennessee, The Beacon Center of Tennessee is not affiliated with any other "Beacon Center" organizations in other states. They bring issues forward including so called CIVIL "Asset Forfeiture" and inappropriate licensing of trades that make it difficult or impossible for people to begin earning a living doing basic jobs that do not require government oversight. The Beacon Center of Tennessee takes ACTION in cooperation with grass roots citizens to champion those issues. Local Tennessee Governments KNOW who the Beacon Center of Tennessee is. Joining their ambassador program will give you a platform from which your community can see you as relevant people of action.
State Senator Mae Beavers: Gubernatorial Candidate. Mae has a long and solid record as a principled and constitutional legislator. She carried the ballot access bill in the Senate in the 2017 session, stood up for traditional marriage, at great personal risk, and was removed from chairmanship of the judiciary committee because she dared to pursue ethical requirements for Tennessee courts and justices. Mae Beavers stands strong for restoring our 2nd Amendment Rights in Tennessee. She is called Tennessee's "Iron Lady."

Do make an effort to attend this meeting.  You may have noticed we have a new logo.  We also have new strategies and a new marketing concept that will help people see us as an effective force for Constitutional Government.  If you are not able to attend, make a donation to support our efforts to restore the rule of law under the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Tennessee!

God Bless,

Mike Warner
State Chairman
Constitution Party of Tennessee

P.S.  Bring a friend!  Who do you know who sees we are not what or where we ought to be as a nation?  Who do you know who believes justice can only exist when there is a standard by which all laws are measured?  That laws made not "in pursuance to the Constitution" are not the supreme law of the land?  Who do you know that understands just laws will always reflect the law of God?  Encourage them to come!  Share this email!

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