New Fall Hours | Learn to Mend | Maker Faire | Recap: Home Canning & Repair Café | Recap: Repair Cafe | Camp Quality | Volunteer Appreciation
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Back to Our Regular Hours

Our summer hours have come to an end!
Come visit during our opening hours to kick off your September projects!

Mondays 6pm – 9pm
Wednesdays 6pm – 9pm

Saturdays 10am – 1pm

Register for Learn to Mend
and the Clothing Swap

Our next Learn to Mend night is September 24th at the Ottawa Tool Library from 6pm - 9pm.

Bring clothing or textiles in need of repair, and learn how to sew, darn, felt, and patch your way back to useable clothing! We'll have hands-on demonstrations and one-on-one training. 

Don't forget to
bring used clothing, yarn and knitting suppliesfor our swap!

Register for Learn to Mend
Maker Faire Ottawa

The Ottawa Tool Library will be at Maker Faire September 29th & 30th at the Canada Science and Technology Museum!

Maker Faire is where makers can showcase their hobbies, experiments, and projects. It's a space for invention and creativity! Come check out the OTL booth while you're there.

Please let us know if you want to help out at this event! 

Recap: Home Canning demo

The OTL welcomed Giselle from Gingham Wisdom on August 27th for a community demo night on home canning! We had a great time learning different methods of home canning as well as the basics of hot waterbath canning and pressure canning. Now that you know the basics, borrow our canning gear and get started! 

A huge thank you to Giselle and good luck to everyone who plans on canning this harvest season! 

Recap: Repair Cafe

We held our last Repair Cafe for 2018 on August 18th and it was one of our most successful yet!

120+ items came in for fixing. A big thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make this event such a success. 

Tool Box Building at Camp Quality

We believe in extending a smile and a hand to help our community members.
Last month, Ali, Luc, and Clifton from our team of volunteers put on a workshop for the kids at Camp Quality to show them how to put together their own wooden toolboxes. Their spirit and perseverance in their fight against cancer was an inspiration. 

Volunteer Appreciation 

Volunteers are at the heart of the Ottawa Tool Library. We held a Volunteer Appreciation summer cookout on August 25th to celebrate everyone who helps keep the OTL running smoothly! We couldn't do it without these smiling faces!

Want to be part of the fun?
Sign up to volunteer with us. We're looking for Tool Librarians to join our team.

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