In this issue, May 29, 2018 View it in your browser.

Serverless, Interpretable ML Models, Amazon Aurora "Backtrack", Rust, Tech Ethics, The Future of .NET Core, AWS Blockchain, Microservices, Management Support in Agile Adoption

Talk at QCon NYC by Ecosystem Engineer at Github Katrina Owen: “Succession: A Refactoring Story”

Refactoring sometimes devolves into an appalling mess. Join Katrina Owen at QCon New York Has she presents an end-to-end refactoring that demonstrates simple strategies to avoid any misadventures. Register before June 2nd and save up to $380!



The Six Essentials for DevOps Team Excellence.

This new ebook offers six tips to build a framework for DevOps teams embedding security and development best practices into an agile operation. Download Now.

Article Series: .NET Core

In this series, we explore some of the benefits .NET Core and how it can help not only traditional .NET developers, but all technologists that need to bring robust, performant and economical solutions to market. (Article Series)

Serverless and the Serverless Framework with David Wells

The Serverless Framework is quickly becoming one of the more popular frameworks used in managing serverless deployments. David Wells, an engineer working on the framework, talks with Wes Reisz about serverless adoption and the use of the open source Serverless Framework. (Podcast)

Dominica DeGrandis on Her Book Making Work Visible

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Dominica DeGrandis about time thieves, making work visible, the important themes from the DevOps Enterprise Summit and ways to be more productive. (Podcast)

Columnar Databases and Vectorization

In this article, author Siddharth Teotia discusses the Dremio database which is based on Apache Arrow with vectorization capabilities. (Article)

Introducing FlureeDB, The World's First ACID-Compliant Blockchain Database

Brian Platz introduces FlureeDB, a graph-style database for building blockchain applications. (Presentation)

Data Pipelines for Real-Time Fraud Prevention at Scale

Mikhail Kourjanski discusses the architecture of PayPal’s data service which combines a Big Data approach with providing data in real time for decision making in fraud detection. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

pDB: Scalable Prediction Infrastructure with Precision and Provenance

Balaji Rengarajan describes the platform built on the Celect’s pDB framework, providing multiple use cases such as online personalization, document classification, and geospatial anomaly detection. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Self-Racing Using Deep Neural Networks: Lap 2

Jendrik Joerdening and Anthony Navarro discuss how a team of Udacity students used neural networks to teach a car drive by itself around a track in two days. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

The Black Swan of Perfectly Interpretable Models

Mayukh Bhaowal and Leah McGuire discuss how Salesforce Einstein made ML more transparent and less of a black box, and how they managed to drive wider adoption of ML. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!


InfoQ YouTube Exclusives

Tooling & Setup for My Neural Network

Martin Gorner talks about the toolset that he uses, both to run multiple training experiments in parallel and visualize their outcomes: Tensorflow, Google Cloud ML Engine, Tensorboard. (Presentation)

A/B Testing for Logistics: It All Depends

Jingjie Xiao explains how Instacart A/B tests changes in the logistics system where neither customers nor shoppers are independent. She also discusses how multivariate regression is used to expedite their pace of innovation. (Presentation)



Introduction to Graph Databases.

Graph Databases are currently gaining a lot of interest, as they can give very powerful data modeling tools that provide a closer fit to how your data works in the real world. This article explores exactly what they are and where they can be a good fit in your application landscape. Learn More.


  1. Amazon Aurora Adds "Backtrack" Feature to Enable Rewinding a DB Cluster to a Specific Point in Time

  2. Atlassian Releases Escalator, an Autoscaling Tool for Kubernetes Nodes

  3. Unified Service Discovery Announced by OpsRamp

  4. From Darwin to DevOps: John Willis and Gene Kim Talk about Life after The Phoenix Project

Avoiding That $1M Dollar AWS Bill

Mark Michael and Glenn Oppegard share their experience moving a PCF application from AWS to GCP. (Presentation)



Best-in-Class Application Performance monitoring for DevOps:

Get code-level visibility to ensure the best performance of your desktop and mobile applications with the best SaaS APM solution out there. Plans start at $35 per month for monitoring 3 Applications and 40 Servers.


  1. Rust Has Got Existential Types

  2. MySQL Version 8 Adds Document Store, Performance and Security Improvements

Developers. Our Last, Best Hope for Ethics?

In March, Stack Overflow published their Developers’ Survey for 2018 and for the first time they asked questions about ethics. The good news is that to “Do Developers Have an Obligation to Consider the Ethical Implications of Their Code?” nearly 80% responded “yes”. However, only 20% felt ultimately responsible for their unethical code, and 40% would write unethical code if asked. (Article)



Why Agile and DevOps Transformations are Failing at Scale.

This eBook reiterates the importance of returning to the fundamental principles of Agile and DevOps and details why model-based integration is vital for large-scale software delivery. Download Now.

Implementing Raft in RabbitMQ

Michael Klishin and Karl Nilsson explain the pros and cons of RabbitMQ adopting Raft, how it can affect users, and what kind of trade-offs their team faced. (Presentation)



Avoid Cloud Lock-In and Open Up a World of Possibility.

Couchbase is a geo-distributed cloud-native data platform built to power your business-critical applications in any public cloud or on-premises environment. Learn More.


  1. Build 2018: The Future of C#

Discussions on the Future of .NET Core

Five veteran developers discuss the .NET Core platform, where it has been and where it is headed. Read about the strengths and weaknesses of the platform and how its use can benefit your next application. (Article)

Models and Their Interfaces in C# API Design

Traditional MVC, MVP, MVVM, Web MVC; the common element in every UI pattern is the Model. And while there are many articles discussing the view, controllers, and presenters in these architectures, almost no thought is given to the models. In this article we’ll look at the model itself and the .NET interfaces that they implement. (Article)



Deep Learning with TensorFlow - Second Edition.

  • Implement Deep Learning Algorithms
  • Learn to use the high-level TensorFlow API
Use the code ORIQI09 to get the eBook for $9 only.
Offer valid till June 15, 2018.

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Microsoft Introduces Edge DevTools Protocol

Propel Shifts Plans to Leverage TensorFlow.js

The Propel JavaScript scientific computing and machine learning library has announced a change in the project's direction. Just a few weeks after Propel's initial launch in March 2018, TensorFlow.js announced its release. Propel's initial efforts extended deeplearn.js and the C implementation of TensorFlow. Tensorflow.js is an evolution of deeplearn.js. (News)


  1. ARCore 1.2 Lets Users Share AR Worlds

  2. Android Jetpack Brings WorkManager, Navigation and More

Google Brings Machine Learning to Firebase with ML Kit

Google recently introduced ML Kit, a machine-learning module fully integrated in its Firebase mobile development platform and available for both iOS and Android. With this new Firebase module, Google simplifies the creation of machine-learning powered applications on mobile phones and solves some of the challenges of implementing computationally intense features on mobile devices. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. AWS Blockchain Templates for Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric

Microservices and the Economics of Small Things

In this article Mark Burgess explores the process of "decentralizing intent" and the effect it has on the predictability of our systems including what we can know as we scale systems. (Article)

Tech in Banking Panel

The panelists discuss some of the challenges of architecting systems for banking. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

FlexiTime Token: Building dApps with Ethereum

Alex Batlin talks about dApp in Ethereum, what it is and how it can help us track pre-bought time as tokens on blockchain. He demos how the solution works, how the dApp is architected, and key code highlights of contracts, UI code, and the private data store (uses Swagger, JWT, node.js, express). (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Microservices: API Re-Platforming @Expedia

Mariano Albera describes how the Expedia Affiliate Network unit underwent a massive replatforming project that moved from an on-prem monolith to a cloud-based microservice architecture. The challenge with the replatforming project was maintaining Expedia's existing work while completely rethinking their architecture for the Affiliate Network. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Actors or Not: Async Event Architectures

Yaroslav Tkachenko discusses two approaches to an asynchronous event-based architecture. The first is a "classic" style protocol that they've been implementing at Demonware (Activision) for Call of Duty back-end services. The second is an actor-based approach in place at Bench Accounting. He explores the benefits, challenges, and lessons learned architecting both Actor and Non-Actor systems. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Lambda Architectures: a Snapshot, a Stream, & a Bunch of Deltas

Adrian Trenaman describes how HBC Tech leverages event-sourced architectures that allow core services to reliably share their information with other services asynchronously. At the heart of each solution is the snapshot, the stream, and a bunch of deltas. Trenaman gives examples of these architectures in practice in their product, pricing, inventory and search services. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

CRDTs and the Quest for Distributed Consistency

Martin Kleppmann explores how to ensure data consistency in distributed systems, especially in systems that don't have an authoritative leader. He explains how to sync data between a phone and a laptop without sending it via a remote server. He also explores algorithms that allow several people to collaborate on a shared document, communicating via a peer-to-peer network. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Strangling the Monolith with a Data-Driven Approach: A Case Study

Simon Duffy and David Julia discuss rewriting a monolith application using data-driven testing. (Presentation)

Modernizing Applications to Pivotal Cloud Foundry

The presenters discuss using techniques and patterns such as Event Storming, Strangling, Starving, Slice Analysis and Domain Driven Decomposition to transform legacy apps for PCF. (Presentation)

How Comcast Embraced Open

Nithya Ruff and Shilla Saebi share tips on how to change an organization’s mindset towards embracing open source and inclusiveness, community building, and contributing upstream. (Presentation)

Ford Motor Company’s Cloud Native Reference Application

Todd Hall discusses Ford’s PCF reference application and its role in describing a default set of patterns and practices for their teams. (Presentation)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. The Three Habits of Highly Effective Product People

  2. Management Support in Agile Adoption

Redesign Design

Matteo Cavucci explores how design is changing in the digital age, beyond the initial delivery of specifications and blueprints, to an adaptive co-creation process that evolves iteratively over time. (Presentation)