In this issue, June 12, 2018View it in your browser.

Serverless Observability, Apple Core ML 2, ARKit 2, Microsoft Acquiring GitHub, Oracle Lays off Java Mission Control Team, WebAssembly, Zip Slip, Ron Jeffries Says Developers Should Abandon "Agile"

QCon New York 2018 keynotes are confirmed!

Join Co-founder at Snyk Security Guy Podjarny, Principal Engineer at Squarespace Tanya Reilly and Author of Effective Java, Lead Design of Java Collection API & Carnegie Mellon Professor Joshua Bloch. As an InfoQ reader you get an exclusive $100 discount, register using the code INFOQ!



Introduction to Graph Databases.

Graph Databases are currently gaining a lot of interest, as they can give very powerful data modeling tools that provide a closer fit to how your data works in the real world. This article explores exactly what they are and where they can be a good fit in your application landscape. Learn More.

Pam Selle on Serverless Observability

On this podcast, Pam Selle (an engineer for IOPipe who builds tooling for serverless observability) talks about the case for serverless and the challenges for developing observability solutions. Some of the things discussed on the podcast include tips for creating boundaries between serverless and non-serverless resources and how to think of distributed tracing in serverless environments. (Podcast)

Susan McIntosh on Diversity in Tech

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke with Susan McIntosh, an InfoQ editor, agile practitioner and scrum master who works in the area of cultural change about the impacts that the lack of diversity in tech has and some ways to address the inherent imbalances in the system. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Apple Has Released Core ML 2

  2. The Lowdown on Facial Recognition Technology

Orchestrating Data Microservices with Spring Cloud Data Flow

Mark Pollack discusses how to create data integration and real-time data processing pipelines using Spring Cloud Data Flow and deploy them to multiple platforms – Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, and YARN. (Presentation)

Models in Minutes not Months: AI as Microservices

Sarah Aerni talks about how Salesforce built an AI platform that scales to thousands of customers. She covers the nuts and bolts of the system, and shares how they learned to handle scale and variability with a fully operational Machine Learning platform. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Understanding ML/DL Models using Interactive Visualization Techniques

Chakri Cherukuri discusses how to use visualization techniques to better understand machine learning and deep learning models. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Interpretable Machine Learning Products

Mike Lee Williams discusses how interpretability can make deep neural networks models easier to understand, and describes LIME, an open source tool that can be used to explore what machine learning classifiers (or models) are doing. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

InfoQ YouTube Exclusives

Transmogrification: The Magic of Feature Engineering

Leah McGuire and Mayukh Bhaowal talk about transmogrification, where they magically and automatically engineer features based on the type of feature, data distribution and association with the response variable. (Presentation)

Continuous Delivery for AI Applications

Asif Khan talks about how to connect the workflow between the data scientists and DevOps. He explores basic continuous integration and delivery concepts and how they can be applied to deep learning models. Using a number of AWS services, he showcases how we can take the output of a deep learning model and deploy it to perform predictions in real time with low latency and high availability. (Presentation)



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  1. Thanos - a Scalable Prometheus With Unlimited Storage

  2. Amazon Neptune, a New Cloud Graph Database, Is Now Generally Available

  3. Q&A with the Creator of Dockly, a Console-Based UI for Managing Docker Containers

Q&A on the Book Accelerate: Building and Scaling High Performance Technology Organizations

The book Accelerate: Building and Scaling High Performance Technology Organizations by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim, explores the factors that impact software delivery performance and describes capabilities and practices that help to achieve higher levels of throughput, stability, and quality. (Article)

Microsoft to Acquire GitHub for $7.5 Billion

Microsoft has announced an agreement to acquire GitHub, the software development platform and web-based hosting service for version control using Git. The deal should close later in the year, and both parties have stated that GitHub will remain an open platform that is committed to supporting developers using any tools and deploying to any platform. (News)



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  1. Oracle Lays off Java Mission Control Team after Open Sourcing Product

  2. Q&A with Martijn Verburg on AdoptOpenJDK and Nestmates

JUnit 5 — New Opportunities for Testing on the JVM

Sam Brannen discusses the architecture of JUnit 5 and demos some of its main features: tagging, DI, repeated tests, parameterized tests, conditional test execution, lambda for assertions, etc.. (Presentation)

Rapidly Develop, Deploy and Scale Java Cloud Apps Using Spring Boot

Asir Selvasingh demos building and deploying Java apps and microservices across multiple datacenters. (Presentation)

SpringOne 2017 Closing Keynote: A Look to the Future

During this closing keynote Red Monk's James Governor talks about the future of the platforms and the impact of AI and ML, Mark Ardito, Divisional VP of Digital Delivery at Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC), spoke about how to infuse a large organization with a startup mentality, Richard Watson (VP at Gartner) hosts a customer panel, and Eric Brewer, VP of Infrastructure at Google, talked about the movement of the open internet. (Presentation)



Developer Economics Survey – Win an iPhone X, Samsung S9 Plus or HTC Vive Pro.

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  1. VS2017 15.8 Preview 2 Improves CPU Profiling, F# Support

  2. Entity Framework Core 2.1 Release Adds Improved SQL Query Generation

Understanding the Varieties of .NET

The goal of this article is not to go too deeply into the technical details of the different .NETs; plenty of technical resources are available, and pointers to some of them are provided. Rather the goal here is to answer a simple question: Which variety of .NET should you use in a given situation? (Article)

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Microsoft Announces JavaScript Support for Excel Custom Functions

Observable JS Apps

Emily Nakashima talks about an event-driven approach to client-side observability for the most complicated parts of Honeycomb's customer-facing React app: the query builder. She covers instrumentation best practices, what data to collect, why and how they use that data to slice and dice and zoom in on some of the strangest unknown-unknowns for real customers. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

WebAssembly (And the Death of JavaScript?)

Colin Eberhardt looks at what's wrong with the way people are using JavaScript today and why they need WebAssembly. He gives a tour of the WebAssembly instruction set, memory and security model, before moving on to the practical aspects of using it with Rust, C++ and JS. He looks at what the future might hold for this technology, and asks the question - “Is WebAssembly going to kill JavaScript?” (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!


Katie Fenn talks about the process of architecting the new website, and examines how the changing landscape of development tooling has shaped it throughout its lifetime. She also talks about the challenges tools must address in the near-future, and how they hope their experience building the new website can help the wider community. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!



Node.js Guide for Advanced Users.

In this in-depth guide, you’ll learn proven techniques for building an enterprise-scale Node.js application, set it up for production, and gain tips for troubleshooting “Day One” performance issues. Download Now.


  1. ARKit 2 Introduces Shared Experiences

Kotlin on Android: Android KTX, Kotlin Bootcamp Udacity and More

Google recently presented a series of efforts to improve the Kotlin developer experience on the Android platform, including Android KTX, a Kotlin Bootcamp Udacity course, Lint support, and more. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Zip Slip Directory Traversal Vulnerability Impacts Multiple Java Projects

Ballerina Tutorial: A Programming Language for Integration

Ballerina is a new programming language and platform whose objective is to make it easy to create resilient services that integrate and orchestrate across distributed endpoints. Ballerina’s design principles focus on baking integration concepts into a language, including a network-aware type system, sequence diagrammatic syntax, concurrency workers, being “DevOps ready”, and environment awareness. (Article)

Managing the Complexity of Microservices Deployments

Prithpal Bhogill and Kenny Bastani discuss building cloud native apps on PCF, Spring Boot and Cloud Services, exposing microservices over HTTP with Apigee Edge. (Presentation)

Deconstructing Monoliths with Domain-driven Design

This talk explains how Liberty Mutual changed a monolithic app into an event-driven microservices based architecture implemented with Event Sourcing and CQRS. (Presentation)

Decentralized Governance for the Masses

Kent Dahlgren discusses the designs and approaches chosen in developing a decentralized governance solution for people with low income and modest resources. (Presentation)

Insecure Transit - Microservice Security

Sam Newman outlines some of the key challenges associated with microservice architectures with respect to security, and then looks at approaches to address these issues. From secret stores, time-limited credentials and better backups, to confused deputy problems, JWT tokens and service meshes, he looks at the state of the art for building secure microservice architectures. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Be the one that brings innovation to your team

Get your monthly guide to all the topics, technologies and techniques that every professional or aspiring software architect needs to know about. Recent topics include serverless, chaos engineering and event-driven design.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Testing Software with Artificial Intelligence

  2. Ron Jeffries Says Developers Should Abandon "Agile"

Is Your Product Roadmap Still Meeting Customer Needs?

It’s difficult to overestimate the importance of having a strong vision for the product. However, that vision must be frequently and consistently kept in line with the needs of the customer. In this article, Justin explores how to tell if your product roadmap still meets your customers' needs. (Article)

Q&A on The Agile Developer's Handbook

The book The Agile Developer’s Handbook by Paul Flewelling provides the fundamentals of agile and explores intermediate and advanced topics like metrics for delivery, technical practices, delivering value, team dynamics, building quality in, and becoming an agile organization. (Article)

Culture May Eat Agile for Breakfast

Stefan Wolpers discusses how to deal with new hires and how to integrate them into the culture of an organization. (Presentation)

Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Kevin Goldsmith shows what Avvo has done to build a foundation for a continuous improvement culture: frameworks, processes that support and empower individuals and groups to own and drive improvements to make themselves more efficient and the company a better place to work. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!