Henry Ford used to dress incognito and walk throughout his factories, randomly giving $100 bills to those working hard and staying on task, even though their managers were far out of sight. As word spread about this “mystery money man,” production sales skyrocketed. By 1914, Ford held roughly 48% of the automobile industry.
Why is it that when a head coach is away, drills may be performed with little effort and the team appears to be off task? Teams often perform at their best only when the coach is around, watching and taking notes. How often do we wait until the last minute to do our workout? Do we reluctantly drive to the gym or say, “I’ll make it up tomorrow”? If a coach were watching, the workout would probably have been done that morning. During those times, we need to remember our true Coach—who we’re truly playing for. God has instilled in us a passion for the sports we love and play. Why not channel that passion back to Him?
God never leaves. He’s in the trenches with us, watching our every move and helping us. Paul calls us to “run in such a way that you may win” (1 Corinthians 9:24). When no one else is around, God still sees all. It’s through the quiet acts of servitude that we’ll gain our greatest reward. When we train on our own or help someone in need, we shouldn’t tell the world. God has seen our good work. Let Him be the ultimate motivator.