Communicate goals and objectives with confidence
Best practices for managing confrontation in the workplace
Setting Expectations That Get More from Your Team

One of the most important things you can do for your team is set clear expectations.

Without concise goals, your team can be derailed by misunderstandings, confusion, and conflict that lead to poor organizational performance.

Instead, clear expectations and concise communication set your employees up for success by giving them the tools they need to make an impact.

Join us for a high-impact workshop that will change how you set expectations, provide direction, and communicate goals to your team.


You'll be able to

Set expectations that build trust and improve communication on your team
Build goals, plans, and expectations that drive better results
Manage expectations and build accountability while working remotely
Communicate expectations more effectively for better follow-through 

You’ll learn

How to better manage the expectations you set for yourself and your team 
Ways to build buy-in from your team for better collaboration and cohesion
How to avoid the common pitfalls of setting expectations and communicating them
Strategies for setting realistic expectations that get more accomplished
Manage Your Expectations

Online Workshop + Your Questions Answered + At Your
Convenience Recording