Call for Abstracts SETAC 2024, Seville, Spain 5th - 9th May The Fate and Effects of Micro- and Nano-plastics in Relation to Human Health Exposure |
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| Are you conducting research into fate and effects of MNPs in relation to human exposure from early life to adulthood? If so, the CUSP Cluster is inviting you to submit your abstracts for a proposed session at SETAC 2024, to be held in Seville from 5th - 9th May 2024. |
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| What the session is about: This session, 'The Fate and Effects of Micro and Nanoplastics in Relation to Human Health Exposure', will present the latest developments in analytical techniques and biological assays and models and associated results that advance our understanding of human exposure to MNPs and their fate and effects. What we are looking for: - Research into fate and effects of MNPs in relation to human exposure from early life to adulthood is of particular interest.
- We welcome presentations related to the identification of MNPs in a variety of complex matrices such as food, human tissues and consumer products and relevant environmental media; the synthesis and/or characterisation of pristine, weathered, and aged reference and test materials, and associated additives or adsorbed contaminants; newly developed and validated tools and methodologies; and in vitro/in vivo toxicity testing in and across cells, tissues, and organs.
- Tools for the harmonisation of data related to the human health impacts of MNPs are also highly relevant to this session.
- Finally, we strongly encourage contributions related to MNP risk assessment, that could inform policy and regulation.
When and how to submit your abstract: - The abstract submission portal is open from 5th October until 29th November. Presenting authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their abstract on 30 January 2024.
Some guidelines from SETAC: - Abstracts may not promote a research institute, consortium/project, commercial product, process, or service.
- The abstract should not have been previously published or presented.
- Only online submitted abstracts will be accepted.
- Students can opt to compete for the Best Student Presentation Award.
- Each presenter can only give one platform presentation at the meeting. While the number of abstracts is unlimited, the presenter has to be prepared that abstracts are converted to posters if more than one platform application is accepted as such.
- By submitting an abstract, you are agreeing to abide by the SETAC participant policies, especially the copyright and presenter responsibilities, the recording and photographing policy, and the SETAC code of conduct.
- Please note that the fact that a session is included in the call for abstracts does not guarantee that this session will be programmed at the meeting. Depending on the number of abstracts received, the Programme Committee will decide to accept, merge, or cancel the session. In the latter case, the Programme Committee will make suggestions to move your abstract to another session.
- The presenting author must be registered for the meeting by the early bird registration deadline. Accepted abstracts from presenters not having registered by this date will be cancelled and excluded from the programme.
- Acceptance of your abstract and invitation to present during the meeting does not include a free registration nor any other financial compensation.
More guidelines can be foundhere | |
| About CUSP There is widespread scientific evidence on the ubiquity of micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) in our environment. The tiny particles which result from the degradation of larger plastics or which are manufactured and added to products for different purposes find their way into the human body through the food we eat, the water we drink or the very air we breathe. Yet, so far, we know little about the risks they pose to human health.
For this reason, the European Commission has decided to fund five research projects - AURORA, ImpTox, PLASTICHEAL, PlasticsFatE and POLYRISK - that together form the European Research Cluster to Understand the Health Impacts of Micro- and NanoPlastics: CUSP. They will collaborate in gathering policy-relevant scientific data to improve the risk assessment of MNPs on human health. | |
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| These projects have received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreements: AURORA No.964827, ImpTox No.965173, PLASTICHEAL No.965196, PlasticsFatE No.965367, and POLYRISK No.964766. |
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