Howdy readers,

Once again it’s the whole crew arriving in your inbox bright and early this Saturday morning.

Today, we need your help settling a hot topic of discussion in Time Out Towers:

Is it better to be an early bird or a night owl in Dubai?

For Yousra and Sian it’s a no brainer, early rises for the win.

Picture this. You start the day with a sunrise jog at the beach, and by 8am you’re sipping on an iced matcha in a cute Jumeirah café. Whizz round to Dubai Mall for opening time, bag the perfect parking spot, browse the stores while it's quiet and be first in line for a Time Out Market lunch. Immaculate vibes.

But Findlay and Wyanet put up a fierce fight for the Team Night Owl, as it’s no secret that this city has the best nightlife in the world.

The mornings are reserved for lie-ins, so by the evening, you're ready for a night brunch under the stars, a free laser show and listening to top-notch beats inside some of the city’s best speakeasies (if you can find them).

And Emilie? She sits with a firm foot in both camps, so the jury’s out on this one.

To help you decide, check out some of the stories below — do you sway to the late-night DJ sets? Or do all-you-can-eat breakfast deals excite you more?

Slide into our Insta DMs with your thoughts so we can put this debate to bed for good.


From late-night tunes to comedy festivals

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