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PM edition, Friday, March 5, 2021

'I'm a stallion': Olympic boxing hopeful avoids conviction for 'animalistic' assaults

Subscriber: An Olympic hopeful has avoided a conviction for the "animalistic" New Year's Eve assaults of two strangers.

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Sex workers concerned over 'rushed' internet law

Subscriber: Canberra sex workers are concerned proposed laws will take down their online accounts and damage their livelihoods.

Further plans revealed for Dickson development

Subscriber: A seven-storey office building could be part of Art Group's redevelopment of a former Dickson public housing site.

Quarantine hub at Howard Springs will double intake

But international students would not be returning to Canberra's universities in any significant numbers anytime soon.

Libs ask PM to let the ACT make euthanasia laws

ACT Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee has spoken to the Prime Minister about letting the ACT make laws on voluntary assisted dying.

ACT COVID quarantine close contacts isolated

Two people are in isolation after being identified as close contacts of the two COVID-19 cases in hotel quarantine.

Parliament House work culture review welcomed

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins will lead a months-long review of Parliament House's workplace culture.


Have you tried the Skywhale beer?

What better way to toast Canberra Day than with a Skywhale Ale during a special event on Monday afternoon?

Talk of the Times: Women are leading the way

Podcast: This week, Talk of the Times takes a look at strong women - and how they are leading the charge out of COVID and beyond.

Sunday I've got Wednesday on my mind

Subscriber | Opinion: Scandals on Capital Hill point to problems in schools, universities and Parliament itself, writes Frank Bongiorno.

Be transported at the ACT's newest restaurant

Nikkei cuisine is grounded in centuries of culinary history, but it will be the freshest flavour to sample at Canberra's Inka restaurant.
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