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A victory against maritime pollution in the Mediteranean

The trial of SDS Rainwas the longest lawsuit in Surfrider Europe's history. In 2010, the Italian ship, SDS RAIN, had been caught red-handed forillegal discharge of hydrocarbons close to Marseille. After more than eight years of trial, the captain and the shipowner were finally sentenced in 2019 by the Court of Appeal of Aix en Provence following a decision of the Court of Cassation. One more victory in our fight against impunity for sea polluters.

poster campaign

"Bad Cosmetics" campaign for Valentine's day

This February 14th, the Surfrider Foundation Europe with Ici Barbès have launched a national and European awareness campaign on the impact of the use of microplastics in cosmetics and as a reminder of the urgency of conserving the seabed. The new campaign, named "Bad Cosmetics", has been launched on Valentine's day, a date that unsurprisingly coincides with a peak in consumer spending on cosmetics.

video microplastics

Video : microplastics, the invisible pollution of the ocean

Microplastics, those small particles measuring less than 5mm, are everywhere : in the ocean where we swim, in the water we drink and in the food we eat. This video looks back at the sources of this invisible but very present pollution.

Surfrider in the field
alpes maritimes chapter

150 people gathered for a waste collection

To begin February, the Alpes-Maritimes chapters organized a big waste collection at the Port de la Rague in Madelieu. The event united more than 150 participants. Their collection represented a survey of the top polluters : 590 plastic bottles, 20 big bags of plastic wastes, 183 glass bottles, etc. An impressive overview proving that together we can do big things !

sofia chapter

Launch of the first "Aper'Océan"

During the last weekend of February, the Sofia chapter organized its first Apér’Ocean to welcoming new volunteers to the chapter and introduce the campaigns of Surfrider Foundation Europe. A beautiful night full of exchanges about ecological issues that Bulgaria is facing, oceans preservation and upcoming volunteer actions !

Shop to support

What's better than a nice, warm sweatshirt to face the cold of winter? Available for both men and women, this blue sweatshirt in Surfrider Europe and ocean colours is the garment to have in your chest of drawers.

Wearing a Surfrider product means sending a message to your loved ones, a message that will unite you with the Ocean for a long time to come.

Photo credit : Lucas Cerri


SURFRIDER FOUNDATION EUROPE -33, Allée du Moura - 64200 Biarritz

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