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just one thing

Launch of "Just 1 Thing" campaign

We have just one planet, one ocean, and one chance to reverse the trend. With "Just 1 Thing", Surfrider Europe, in collaboration Willie Beamen, presents the idea that it is up to each one of us to do just 1 thing in favor of the ocean to reduce pollution, preserve marine biodiversity and limit the effects of global warming.

bathing water quality

Bathing water quality, at the top of the agenda of EU institutions

With the easing of the lockdown, the clear skies and sun mark the start of a new summer season which is likely to be “special”. Surfing, swimming paddle boarding; visitors and locals anxious to get back to their summer routines will soon flock to the beaches, lakes and rivers. Is the water quality of these bathing sites safe for public use? What progress has been made in terms of management, monitoring and information-sharing on the eve of the revision of the EU Bathing Water Directive?

wave park

Wave Pools: Environmental Concerns Outweigh Their Value

Artificial surfing wave pools are growing in popularity across the world and have the potential to deeply impact surfing. Though many arguments exist for their recreational benefits, Surfrider Foundation Europe, a nonprofit created by surfers, takes the stance that the environmental concerns outweigh their value.

Surfrider in the field
alpes BADEN

Coming together to clean the river

After 3 months of confinement Surfrider Southern Germany Baden-Pfalz chapter was happy to once again gather as a community for a clean up along the Altrhein Otterstädter river. Each person collected enough litter to fill a bag per person and in addition the group of 25 volunteers recovered camping chairs, a barbecue, and a car tire! 

sofia chapter

World Ocean Day

For June 8th, World Ocean Day, Secretary of State to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive, Brune Poirson, participated in the cleanup of the Grand Crohot beach, on the French Atlantic coast, in collaboration with Surfrider Europe Gironde and Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

In just 40 minutes, the group collected: 287 plastic caps, 283 cotton buds, hundreds of plastic fragments, 36 hunting cartridges, 29 biomedia, 20 litters of fishing waste (nets, etc.), and 12 lighters. Cigarette butts, food packaing, straws, pens, and shoe soles were also found in mass. 

Shop to support

We have only one Ocean and we have all the means to act to preserve it. As part of its "Just ☝️Thing" campaign, Surfrider presents a brand new T-shirt: "Just One Ocean".

The idea is simple: affirm your commitment to the Ocean and support Surfrider's actions with a unique tee-shirt, with a strong message



SURFRIDER FOUNDATION EUROPE -33, Allée du Moura - 64200 Biarritz

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