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Surfrider Europe, une nouvelle identité

Surfrider Foundation Europe, a new identity

Over the years, Surfrider Europe has succeeded in bringing together a large community of committed European citizens. Surfrider Europe, which was originally a small group of surfers willing to protect their playground, has considerably grown and diversified over the years. This reflects perfectly the environmental movement that's happening worldwide.

Voice for the Ocean

The European Union: more than ever, indispensable

One month until the ninth European elections and the European Union struggles to gain citizens’ support. Yet, it is still a relevant and necessary framework of action to address environmental problems. The European Union also distinguished itself with significant progress in favor of the ocean.

Microplastiques dans les Océans

The European Union undertakes the microplastics issue

Microplastics are making the headlines: microplastics in water, in beer, in mussels, in salt or in the air we breathe. Microplastics, that are now found everywhere, until the bottom of the oceans, come from various sources.

Surfrider in the field
Rame pour ta planète en Vendée

Vendée: Paddle for your planet

Responding to the call for mobilization of the association La Vigie and as part of the event "Oar for your planet", many associations met on the beach of Brétignolles-Sur-Mer in Vendée, May 4. Mobilized against a port development project that threatens the site of La Normandelière, it is a hundred people and fifteen surfers who have come together to preserve their beach, next to Surfrider Vendée, Surfrider Indre-et-Loire and Surfrider Loire-Atlantique.

Holland : Surfana Beach cleanup

Holland Coast chapter: Surfana Beach cleanup

In the Netherlands, an Ocean Initiatives Day was organized by Surfana Collective next to Surfrider Holland Coast. Nearly 200 littoral lovers gathered on the beach of Zandvoort to clean it by picking up non-recyclable waste, with friends or family. Packed with plastic bags and strainers, our volunteers have left a cleaner beach, especially rid of microplastics.

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Affichez vos valeurs

New logo collection

On the occasion of the launch of Surfrider Europe's new identity, illustrated by a new logo and a new website, Surfrider Europe presents a new ready-to-wear logo collection available online. Composed of a T-shirt and various sweaters, the collection allows the Surfrider community to reaffirm and display its commitment. This new collection demonstrates the values that bind our community: dedication, authenticity, and respect for the ocean.


SURFRIDER FOUNDATION EUROPE -33, Allée du Moura - 64200 Biarritz

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