Good morning, Marketer, customer experiences are learning experiences.

The pandemic was a time of dramatic change for Shake Shack. It was faced with rapidly changing and complex customer needs. Today, we take a look at how the burger chain continues to measure and respond to customer feedback as they expand across the U.S. and around the world. By listening closely to customers, Shake Shack found their sweet spot. 

The company’s experience with rapid change in 2020 was about providing more digital channels for remote and contactless ordering. A new focus is drive thru, with more customers back out on the open road. Regardless of the change, marketers are adjusting experience with more than a gut impression. They have data and customer feedback as key ingredients in their winning recipe.

Chris Wood,


Customer experience

How Shake Shack measures experience and activates customer insights


The burgers and shakes chain has a winning playbook they are taking to new markets while improving existing stores.

Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)

4 AI categories impacting marketing: Predictive analytics


While this area of AI has been around long enough, it shouldn't be a substitute for strategic oversight by humans.

Email marketing

Email marketers: What’s on your vacation to-do list?


Just as we plan our vacations, we need to plan a work exit and re-entrance. Otherwise we will lose all we gained from our time off.

Customer experience

Top loyalty management software solutions: Forrester report


Diving into the characteristics of the leading loyalty software providers.

Conversions webinar

Unlock the magic of high-converting landing pages.

No magic wand required, just our expert insights. Join us in our upcoming webinar, where we will demystify the art of crafting high-converting landing pages. Learn tried and tested design strategies, how to apply data-driven decisions, and the essentials of continuous testing and refinement.

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Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)

The 4 categories of AI that impact marketing: Generative AI


Here's what you need to know about generative AI in marketing and why it's worth paying attention to.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Q&A with the director of Google Analytics: Getting started with Google Analytics 4


Russ Ketchum, director of Google Analytics, talks about migrating from Universal Analytics and shares some GA4 power user moves.

Email marketing

Email subject line tips and best practices


Email subject lines can determine whether or not your email gets opened– or even noticed– in a crowded inbox. Make sure you are leveraging your best tool!

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Customer journey orchestration

What is customer journey analytics and how are these tools helping marketers?


Adopting a customer journey platform that gathers, visualizes and analyzes data across all of your customer touchpoints can improve revenue and customer relationships.


Are you getting the most from your martech stack?


Have you replaced part of your martech stack in the last 12 months? Help us understand when, how, and why marketers are upgrading marketing technologies by contributing your two cents to this 3-minute survey.

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