Media Winners & Losers

Shannon Bream

One of the most important roles for the media is to hold elected officials accountable, and it’s always refreshing to see Fox News, which features many opinion personalities who lean right, push back against hyperbole dished out by a Republican.

That’s exactly what Shannon Bream did in a recent interview with Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick when he made an absurd comparison between the several hundred protestors who have occupied a small section of downtown Seattle (the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” or “CHAZ”) and the ISIS shock troops who have been invading and terrorizing cities across the Middle East.

Patrick told Bream that what was happening in Seattle would never happen in Texas, “not on your life.”

Patrick, an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump, added, “This is what America will be if Joe Biden and the Democrats win…your family will be in danger.”

Bream pushed back, asking Patrick if that wasn’t “a bit much, are you overstating it by saying people’s lives will be in danger because of activities like what we are seeing in Seattle?”

Patrick ratcheted up the hyperbole, calling Seattle “no different than ISIS taking over cities in the Middle East.”

Bream interrupted, “Well, they’re not beheading people and throwing them off buildings!”

Patrick was forced to concede the point.

Bream could have just let it go but she did what a journalist and host should do. She challenged her guest on a matter of facts and spin and got the right answer out on the air for her viewers. That's how it's supposed to work.

Kayleigh McEnany

Kayleigh McEnany has had a bumpy ride in her two months as White House Press Secretary, and Thursday was no exception. McEnany’s unenviable duty was defending Trump’s opposition to renaming U.S. military bases named after Confederate generals because it would tell soldiers that the bases themselves were  “fundamentally and inherently racist.”

In answer to a reporter, McEnany said that Trump “believes these bases are most notably identified by the heroes within it, by the acts they did, and winning two world wars, and defeating anarch--defeating fascism across the globe. That’s what these bases stand for, not the names on them.”

“So he doesn’t want to change the names, he’s vehemently opposed to that, and also as I noted yesterday, where do you draw the lines?” McEnany questioned. “Are we to remove from history George Washington? Are we to remove Thomas Jefferson? Are we to remove FDR?"

OK, let’s sort through this word salad. First of all, if the bases are “identified by the heroes within” them, and not the names on the signs out front, then changing the names isn’t really that big of a deal, right? This suggestion that removing Confederate names is a “slippery slope” to erasing American history is a common and weak go-to for the revanchist defenders of memorials to traitors and losers.

A Republican-controlled Senate Committee voted on Thursday to direct the Defense Department to rename bases, buildings, ships, aircraft, etc. named for Confederate leaders, his own top military advisers have publicly stated they’re amenable to renaming the bases, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi is getting bipartisan cheers for removing the Confederate statues in the Capitol’s National Statuary Collection from public view.

His outburst was lonely, and it wasn't well-defended. And right now, on this subject, that's not just bad its hurtful.

The A-Block

Book Report

The author of a new book reports that prior to moving into the White House, Melania Trump used her leverage to renegotiate her prenup with President Donald Trump.

In a preview of The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump published by the Washington Post on Friday, reporter Mary Jordan writes that Melania sought to “amend her financial arrangement with Trump” during the first months of his presidency, before she moved to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

And John Bolton, the former national security adviser who left his post in 2019, claims to have documented impeachable offenses across the “full range” of President Trump's foreign policy.

According to a press release put out by publishing giant Simon & Schuster, Bolton’s soon-to-be-released book — The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir — contains a thorough accounting of Trump’s transgressions.


There's been a lot of hysterical and partisan coverage of the group of protestors that have established a police-free area in Seattle — where they congregate and do stuff you would expect them to do (murals, food, and talks on racial equality, per USA Today).

It's been dubbed the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Trump thinks it's being run by "Domestic Terrorists" and has threatened to send in the military.

CNN has reported the zone is actually extremely chill — though a CNN reporter's live shot was comically ruined by a mischievous CHAZ resident.


If you work in the media industry, you might have heard a rumor this fine Friday morning: Anna Wintour is about to retire. As controversy swirls around Condé Nast — and her role in preserving a certain culture there — gossip circulated that the publisher's top creative was eyeing a well-timed escape.

Condé CEO flatly denied the gossip in a town hall with staff on Friday, insisting there is "not truth" to the rumors.

Just within the past few daysBon Appétit editor Adam Rapoport and Condé Nast entertainment vice president Matt Duckor have been forced to resign, and Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue and Condé Nast artistic director, felt compelled to send an email to her entire staff acknowledging that there had been a “hurtful and intolerant” atmosphere at Vogue.


NY Governor Andrew Cuomo had some sobering news about the spread of coronavirus in states across the U.S. in his daily briefing Friday, but he really made news with the announcement of an executive order on policing in the state.

Cuomo signed an executive order requiring police department across the state to reform or lose funding following nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd in police custody.

The New York State Police Reform & Reinvention Collaborative will “require local governments and police agencies” to “develop a plan that reinvents and modernizes police strategies and programs in their community.”


We have two fresh pieces of Mediaite+ content we're excited about today: first, our daily ratings report, which looks at CNN's newest trend of winning in the daytime ratings.

Second, Mediaite's Ken Meyer has a comprehensive feature on the fleet of cable news faces being snapped up by the Trump and Biden campaigns ahead of November.


Must See Clip

Chappelle Scorches

Dave Chappelle went off on media pundits Candace Owens and Laura Ingraham during his latest Netflix special 8:46 — a reference to how long a Minneapolis cop knelt on George Floyd’s neck before he died.

Oh and also CNN's Don Lemon and even Ja Rule

It's really worth watching. No matter who you want shredded.

Links We Like

America Begins to See More Clearly Now What Its Black Citizens Always Knew
- via National Review
5 Ways to Curtail Police Violence and Prevent More Deaths Like George Floyd’s
- via Reason
The Myth of the Kindly General Lee
- via The Atlantic
Can Anna Wintour Survive the Social Justice Movement?
-  via NYT
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