| | | | Light is essential to everyone. Sunrise, fire, electric light – sources of our existence. ARRI lives and breathes light – it’s in our DNA.
ARRI lighting allows for freedom in creativity – encouraging experimentation and originality. Our LED luminaries have a wide range of features that give you command over all fixture properties. Interact with the light, paint with the light, and make the light work for you.
| | | | | | | | | | | Explore the SkyPanel www.arri.com/skypanel | | | | | | | | | |
ARRI AG, Tuerkenstr. 89, 80799 Munich / Germany Phone +49 89 3809 0 | Fax +49 89 3809 1380 | Email webmaster@arri.de | Internet www.arri.com
Registered Office: Munich Trade Register: Municipal Court Munich, HRB 54477 Executive Board: Franz Kraus, Dr. Jörg Pohlman Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Bullinger
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