94,624 people have taken this course

Struggling with stubborn hormonal belly fat and totally frustrated with your lack of results, no matter what diet and exercise plan you've tried? And thought to yourself, I'm eating and exercising the same as I always have, and I just can't lose an ounce?

If you're about to lose it on the next person that tells you, just eat less and exercise more, and you desperately want to feel vibrant, healthy and feminine again, read the following facts.

Stubborn Belly Fat is the #1 Menopausal Symptom

You are certainly not alone, ladies. When surveyed, abdominal fat, or the menopausal middle as it is known, is the number 1 complaint and most annoying menopausal symptom among women ages 38 to 65. And let's be honest; a combination of abdominal fat and belly bloat is not only a health risk, it's a major mood crusher.

However, what you really need to know is there are solutions. With this game-changing course from nutrition and weight loss expert, Jacqui Justice, you'll get the knowledge and tools you need to reverse, decrease, and even eliminate these symptoms so that you can get back to the way you used to look and feel before all this hormonal havoc took over.

The Next 10 days Will Be a Real Game Changer

Over the next ten days, you'll finally begin to understand why you're struggling with belly fat and bloat, as well as, stubborn weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes, and a flat-lined libido. With the exclusive 3-step plan in this course, you'll begin to finally shed that seriously bothersome menopausal middle and every other annoying symptom as well.

With this 10-day fun and highly insightful course, you'll get:
  • An exclusive 3-step natural hormone-balancing plan based on hormone-friendly foods with specific hormone-friendly exercises and stress reduction practices.
  • Hormone-friendly recipes and shopping lists for the 3 Step Plan.
  • Hormone-friendly, easy, and delicious daily meal plans (with shortcut options).
  • Short homework assignments with concrete actionable steps.
This Extremely Comprehensive Course Will Get You the Best Results Possible

The life-changing expert advice and tips that you'll learn and put into action include:
  • Why eating less and exercising more is the worst advice.
  • Why you should stop counting calories immediately, and eat for your hormonal response to food instead.
  • What foods are feeding your menopausal middle, and what foods help kick it to the curb.
  • Why you should stop over-exercising, now.
  • What are the best exercises for balancing hormones and burning off the dreaded menopausal middle.
  • How to naturally heal your gut so you can eliminate excess bloat.
  • How to naturally detox your liver so you can burn off excess fat.
  • How to de-stress and nourish your adrenal glands for a huge energy infusion!
  • How to make a mindset change for "the change", and dramatically increase your overall happiness.
  • How to get measurable results and have fun doing it.
Get the Best Version of You Back

Here's some of the life-changing benefits you can look forward to:
  • Increased energy.
  • Feeling lighter.
  • Elimination of belly bloat.
  • A dramatic decrease in abdominal fat.
  • Weight loss (if needed).
  • Elimination of annoying cravings.
  • Clearer thinking.
  • Increased self-confidence.
  • Rejuvenated libido.
  • Improved sleep.
  • Reduced hot flashes, and other hormonal symptoms.
  • A greater sense of overall well-being and a happier outlook.
  • Feeling and looking younger.
  • Rocking your smoking hot self down the catwalk of your life!
So, what are you waiting for? Let's get you started on this game-changing journey today.

What People Are Saying

"During these two years, menopause hit. I have felt so lost and out of control. These last 10 days have allowed me to find my center again and communicate with my body. I've learned so much... I also appreciate that this course was offered for next to nothing. It felt like a gift. And at this time, that means a lot. Thank you very much." -Suzy

"Amazingly easy to follow! The name alone put me in the right frame of mind! Removed that "Ugh, I'm dreading this" feeling I've gotten from every other diet plan. This is hip, fun, and the recipes are delish! Very upbeat, inspiring and motivational, and best of all... it works!" -Anita

"I cannot begin to convey how delighted I am with my results on this program! My belly bulge has significantly decreased, my energy level greatly increased, and I can wear my skinny jeans again! Hurray!! I've made so many positive changes in my food choices and I feel terrific! I'm sold on this program. Thank you Jacqui!" -Jenny

"I've been on every fad diet on the planet! For the first time I feel that this is a plan I can live with. I'm not hungry and my energy level is steady all day. I've even started exercising. I'm so happy that I gave this a chance." -Patricia

"By far the best program I've ever found! I felt totally supported throughout and my commitment level was and is incredible! I am on track to reach my goals and I feel fabulous!" -Jen

"I am loving this! At first I was tired but now I feel better than I have in years. I have already lost 14 pounds. I no longer suffer from indigestion or snore at night. My whole family is enjoying this and we all feel so much healthier. I don't even feel like cheating!" -Michelle

"I feel great for the first time in years. This is so much easier than I thought it would be. I have no more annoying cravings and I am not hungry all day long like I used to be. I've just returned from vacationing in Spain and I was able to maintain my diet. So far I have lost 28 pounds and five percent in body fat. Thanks Jacqui." -Wendy

"Just finished my last lesson yesterday! I love the program and feel amazing! Want to keep doing this forever!" -Angela

About Jacqui Justice
Jacqui Justice holds an M.S. and C.N.S. in Clinical Nutrition, as well as, a certification in Functional Nutrition. She has been in private practice since 1996 with offices in the NYC area. Jacqui co-hosts a weekly radio talk show and has been featured in various publications and a guest on many local and national radio and television talk shows.

Jacqui specializes in Weight Loss Resistance and is passionate in her belief that success is dependent on adopting the proper mindset. "Our minds and our bodies are intimately connected, you cannot make your body achieve what your mind does not believe". Her technique is the heart and soul of all her weight loss and wellness program.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Jacqui Justice that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 10 lessons