November 23, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

Miss anything in this past week of Stock Gumshoe articles?  Let me catch you up...
We started out with a nice pile of questions about a Hilary Kramer ad that a lot of readers apparently saw over the weekend -- she's promising a $6 "Anti-Aging Stock" that is on the verge of soaring to $100, with big news coming just around the corner that will start that run with a double or triple... so is there a real story under that hype?  Just click below to...

Inside this Stock Research Report:

The only 8 Stocks you need for steady, reliable growth…How this pizza stock turned $10,000 into over $1 million…50 lousy stocks to dump today…5 sneaky way Wall Street cons you into buying their losers…how Wall Street's greatest trader used his "pivotal point" secret to make more than a million bucks in one week...and more!  These stocks don't make news.  They just make money, year after year. Click here for details.


After that we were off to look for "The Other Search Giant," a recent IPO teased by Justin Spittler -- Thinkolator Results Here.

We got abunch of questions about an oldie (and not so goodie) too, so I re-posted our solution to the "Artificial Intelligence Stealth ID Technology" stock teased by Wealth Warrior... You can find that story here.

And an "Easy $104,000" always sounds appealing, right?  That's what's being promised as Christian DeHaemer dangles a way for us to profit from the "Chaos in the Global Shipping Markets" that will hit on January 1.  Click here for our story on that.

And finally it was time for the Friday File to close out the week -- not a lot of big buys or sells, but there was a little action in the Real Money Portfolio, including one new risky retail stock buy and some musing on REITs I've known and loved...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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