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Supply Chain Insights

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Experts analyze the current conditions of maritime trading routes and their impacts on manufacturing.
A sneak preview of the latest material handling and logistics solutions on display at MODEX 2024 in Atlanta.
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It can be difficult to focus on supply chain management if you do not have a dedicated resource. But you can raise commitment to its importance by starting with two often overlooked areas – performance metrics and training.

The technology can affect sourcing planning, aftersales and service.
Also, doubling down on the struggle for manufacturing talent and what's cool about Design for Manufacturing.
"U.S. attacks won’t sufficiently damage Houthi capabilities as long as Iran continues to support the rebel group." says Gabrielle Reid of S-RM.
Up from 25% in 2023, now 53% use IoT devices for real time shipment tracking.
This document offers insights into using onsite wind power for businesses, covering feasibility, project development, technology selection, and benefits of renewable energy.
Editor's Choice
Transparency International "calls on governments to give justice systems the independence, resources and transparency needed to effectively punish all corruption offences."