Got 10 minutes to spare? Take a quick, simple survey to tell us how you've been doing, and how we can serve you better.
Salutations, dear reader!

We hope this letter finds you happy, healthy and emerging from the pandemic without too much undue wear and tear.

As a loyal reader, you know that we at InsideHook think of ourselves as a consigliere of sorts, here to keep you abreast of trends, news and happenings that we think merit your attention, and also to dole out recommendations and advice to help you live a better, smarter and more comfortable life.

To do that to the best of our ability, it’s important that we understand the needs, habits and desires of you, our audience. So today, we’re reaching out for some input in the form of a brief survey.

If you can spare a few minutes, we’d love to learn a little more about how you and your family are feeling now that there (finally) appears to be some light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. Has your work situation changed at all? Are you spending your money differently? Have a vacation destination in mind now that travel is opening back up?

All responses will be collected entirely anonymously, and in aggregate, they will play a big role in informing our coverage and the partnerships we target in the coming months.

We appreciate your time, and as always, your continued readership.

Here’s looking forward to better times ahead,

Your friends @insidehook
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