BREAKING: A final rule expands access to non-ACA-compliant plans, which the Trump administration has touted as cheaper alternatives to full coverage.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
BREAKING: Trump Administration Finalizes Rule Allowing Short-Term Health Plans Up to 3 Years

Beginning this fall, consumers will be allowed to buy short-term limited-duration health plans renewable for up to three years, the Trump administration announced Wednesday morning with a finalized rule.

  • Only about 200,000 people are expected to exit the ACA exchange market as a result of the final rule.
  • Gross premiums for marketplace plans are expected to rise 1% next year attributable to this policy change.
  • The administration notes that 'these products are not for everyone,' so buyers should review their options carefully.

The policy change expands access to lower-grade coverage options the Obama administration had restricted in light of the Affordable Care Act. Read the full story.


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