The latest news and analysis about patient safety and quality.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Featured Story

Shorter Hospital Stays Don't Increase Pediatric Readmissions
For adults, length of stay has become a key metric for hospital readmissions, with concerns about the quality of discharge care such as patients discharged before they are ready to leave the hospital.

News & Analysis

Report Analyzes Obstetrics-Related Outcomes
The report analyzed more than 470 obstetrics-related closed medical professional liability claims from 2013-2017.
Controlling Risk Through Medication Communication Best Practices
To minimize the potential for dangerous complications or the need for readmission, medical facilities must take steps to ensure clear communication practices.
PSMJ member content

Wildfire and Smoke: Sharp HealthCare’s Fire Plans

In 2007, San Diego County had a huge wildfire that forced several hospitals, nursing homes, and behavioral health hospitals to evacuate. Sharp HealthCare was one of the hospital systems to take in some of those patients. And the area suffered from a devastating wildfire in 2003, known as the Cedar Fire.

Industry Events

Friday, 1/18/19 - 7th Annual World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit

Tuesday, 1/29/19 - 2019 CMS Quality Conference

Wednesday, 1/30/19 - 2019 Virginia Patient Safety Summit




Product Spotlight

USP <800>: How to Prepare for the New Hazardous Drug Handling Requirements

This book is the resource you need to understand the best practices of hazardous drug handling. This detailed how-to guide on USP <800> compliance, authored by Kurt Patton, MS, RPh, approaches the topic from the perspective of a Joint Commission survey.

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Career Center

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