Getting Digital Inclusion Right; The Unretirement Return to Work; Solving the American Tech Talent Shortage

InformationWeek Leadership careers
November 16, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Should Amazon Spin Off AWS?
Is this a prime time for Amazon to let go of AWS? Opinions vary on whether the cloud service provider should become an independent business.

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Tips on Getting Digital Inclusion Right

There are lots of good reasons to jump headlong into digital inclusion projects throughout your company. But the bottom line is that making it easy for anyone to do business with you makes it more appealing for everyone to do business with you.
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Return to Work's Other Meaning: Unretirement

Faced with economic pressures and a lack of daily interactions with co-workers, some network and IT managers who recently retired are considering that other return to office, namely unretirement.
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Solving the American Tech Talent Shortage

Apprenticeships offer the most promising way for us to foster tech skills among the population, with benefits for job seekers and businesses.
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  • Evolving Security Strategy Without Slowing App Delivery

    Organizations are rapidly adopting cloud services and migrating workloads to cloud environments. The technology shift has forced changes in both development and release processes, as well as cloud security strategies. Register now to learn more!

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Chief Trust Officer Role Can Be the Next Career Step for CISOs
How can CISOs take the next step in their careers to become chief trust officers? A keynote at the Forrester Security & Risk Forum 2022 delved into the importance of this C-suite role and how it is essential to drive growth. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Tech Job Market, Remote Work Stay Strong Amid Mixed Signals
Tech giants may be in the midst of layoffs, but the US Bureau of Labor Statistics October job report showed a strong tech job market and continued growth for remote jobs. CompTIA's chief research officer offers perspective on the mixed signals. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Future of Work: Optimizing Hybrid for 2023
Workplace culture and productivity are topics at top of mind for IT leaders and business management as organizations contemplate the future of work, particularly hybrid work, in 2023, according to a new report from Omdia. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Remote Work: How to Make It Part of a Company Culture
CEO outlines how his company enabled remote work even before the pandemic struck. Read More
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