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Should Christians Love Their Country?

Patriotism has fallen on hard times. On the political Left, you have voices denouncing America as oppressive and irredeemably racist. On the extreme Right many have written off the country as well and seem almost giddy at the prospect of her downfall.

How should Christians respond? Is it OK to love our country?

Russell Moore explores the topic, concluding that we can avoid making our country an idol or an enemy.

“Genuinely kingdom-first Christianity, though, can and should free us from nationalism, nativism, and perfectionism to truly love God and country, because we know the difference between the two.”

Read: American Christians and the Anti-American Temptation

It’s good to love your country. But it’s even more crucial to love to the church. Our resource on Meaningful Membership will help you foster deeper commitment in your congregation. This 18-page downloadable resource will help you lead individual Christians to draw closer to God by drawing closer to his church and his people.

Drew Dyck Drew Dyck
Contributing Editor
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American Christians and the Anti-American Temptation
Christians can love America—with all of its flaws and failures—precisely because we don’t expect it to be the kingdom of God.
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Meaningful Membership
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