One VP of nursing gives her take on the impact New York's law will have on the nursing profession.
Monday, July 30, 2018

We upgraded!

Happy Monday! Welcome to our newly redesigned newsletter. We hope the enhancements make it easier to access the solutions, analysis, and news you need to be the best nurse leader you can be. We look forward to your feedback and thank you for being a loyal reader of HealthLeaders.


Should Nurse Leaders Be Optimistic About 'BSN in 10'?
One VP of nursing gives her take on the impact New York's law will have on the nursing profession.
AORN Likely to Update Surgical Attire Guidelines
A new study finds that the requirement for ear coverage in the OR is not supported by sufficient evidence.
Are Current Patient Satisfaction Surveys Good Enough?
Baylor research suggests CAHPS provider surveys are not useful. A new questionnaire could provide deeper feedback.
The Future Nurse: Aligning Needs With Reality
As population health initiatives transform the focus of healthcare and reimbursement continues transitioning to value-based models, the roles of nurses are evolving. At the same time, a Millennial-laden workforce has a hard time staying in place, beckoned by the lure of advanced degrees and the desire for new experiences. While exploring opportunities for nurses to expand their practice into new territory, hospitals desperately need bedside nurses willing to commit to deeply learning the art of caring for acutely ill patients. Download to learn more.
8th Annual Survey Results: Mobile Strategies in Healthcare
More than 300 respondents shared their firsthand insights on how hospitals support their care teams with communication technology. Download this extensive visual report to view more than 50 data points and better understand the challenges and opportunities for mobile communications in healthcare.
House Passes Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act
Nursing workforce development programs will receive support through 2022.
Hospitals Gear Up For New Diagnosis: Human Trafficking
About 88% of sex-trafficking survivors say that, while they were being trafficked, they had contact with a healthcare provider.

Must Reads

If we want better health care, we should try asking the patients
Source: ABC News
RI Hospital stops diverting patients as nurses strike continues
Source: WPRI
Highland Hospital planning nearly all private rooms for patients
Source: WHAM
Hospital compare lifts the veil on sepsis care. Check your hospital’s score
Source: Stat News
Hospitals know how to protect mothers. They just aren’t doing it.
Source: USA Today

I hope you enjoyed the new format. See you next week! As always, send any tips, thoughts or advice my way at


Jennifer Thew, RN
Senior Nursing Editor