Despite her early exit from Miss World, South Africans have rallied behind Miss South Africa 2020 Shudufhadzo Musida, who represented the country at the competition on Wednesday.
Miss World 2019, Toni-Ann Singh of Jamaica, crowned Poland's Karolina Bielawska the winner at the Coca-Cola Music Hall in Puerto Rico.
The pageant was then set to take place in December 2021 but was postponed due to Covid-19 health and safety concerns. Contestants returned to Puerto Rico this week to compete for the coveted title.
In January it was announced that Shudufhadzo had made the top 40, but she did not progress further in the competition during the live-show.
"You are the true definition of a queen!" said the Miss South Africa organisation in an Instagram post.
"We are so proud of all that you have accomplished. The world has witnessed true South African Shudu magic," the post continued.
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