June 13, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

Today I'm turning the typewriter over to Doc Gumshoe, who has some updates for us on the world of Alzheimer's Disease... including some encouraging news.  Just click below for Michael's latest...

(And if you're a member of the Irregulars, there's a quick Friday File Trade Note followup today that won't surprise you -- you can see that in the Irregulars Corner below)

The worst thing investors can do right now is bail out only to watch in shock as the market bounces back. At the upcoming Digital Currency Summit, we're gathering dozens of top industry experts to share their insights into what's about to happen next.… Join us at the Digital Currency Summit and get the real scoop on the coming crypto rebound.

Click here to register now.


Miss anything last week?

We started out with a look at a longtime Motley Fool pitch about "Amazon going bankrupt" because of this new trend... sound familiar?  We haven't covered it in a while, but I took another look for you and updated my thoughts, just click here for that story.

The Outsider Club has been pitching a "Retinal Matrix" idea, and 26,221% gains from a defense contractor, so that caught our eye -- my take is here.

Tthe most-discussed aritcle on the week was our look at Stansberry's "five stock inflation protection portfolio", click here for that one.

And I closed things out with the Friday File, which includes some notes of both optimism and pessimism this time around, and one new buy... just click below for that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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