“The world economy appears calm, with falling inflation and modestly resurgent growth, but beneath the surface there is much turbulence and many simmering anxieties,” write Eswar Prasad and Caroline Smiltneks.
In an update to the Tracking Indexes for the Global Economic Recovery (TIGER), Prasad and Smiltneks write that while global growth is gaining momentum, this growth remains weak, disjointed, and driven mainly by the continued strong performance of the U.S. economy.
Why are Black men mad at Obama? Barack Obama touched a nerve with his recent comments criticizing Black men who do not support Kamala Harris. Rashawn Ray and Keon L. Gilbert discuss the complex issues that shape voting behavior among Black men and outline the group’s grievances with the Democratic Party.
The state of play in the Silver State. Although Nevada has only six electoral votes, it could prove to be decisive in a contest this close. David F. Damore explains the headwinds facing Harris, what’s going on with congressional races, and other key political dynamics in the swing state.
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