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Sins of the Father (and Mother)

I have three children and am always amused (or horrified) when I see my behaviors surface in them. There’s my stubbornness, I think. Or my laziness. It isn’t just my tendencies I see, of course. It might be grandpa’s temper or my wife’s propensity to worry.

It was something I thought about while reading an article, I Don’t Want My Son to Inherit the Sins of His Mother. The author starts by confessing her fear of her toddler son inheriting her type 1 diabetes. Then she explores how our children inherit more than our physical qualities. We also pass down personality features, including sinful tendencies. To combat this, she recommends vigilance and most of all showing, and modeling, grace. If you have children, you’ll benefit from giving the article a read.

Speaking of parenting, it’s tough. Tough enough when there’s two parents but even tougher when there’s one. Our resource on God’s Encouragement for Single Parents offers encouragement and godly wisdom from real single parents. It will inspire and equip single parents to be the parents God has called them to be, despite the challenges.

Drew Dyck Drew Dyck
Contributing Editor
The Devastating Reality of Global Hunger and Malnutrition
Paid Content for Food for the Hungry
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Mark Viso
I Don’t Want My Son to Inherit the Sins of His Mother
My worries for my child’s physical health shouldn’t surpass my concern for his spiritual well-being.
Anna Taylor
Children's Ministry: God's Encouragement for Single Parents
This tool will help you begin to equip families to nurture the faith of their children.
How Archaeology Affirmed the Historic Stature of a Biblical King
Once, the House of David seemed like a folk tale. Now, the rocks testify to its historic significance.
Gordon Govier
Volunteer Guides
Usher/Greeter Orientation Guide
A primer for one of the most essential roles in the church.
Charles Arn, John Throop, Daniel Brown, and more
Small Group Leader Orientation Guide
This guide is designed to help you equip your church to provide orientation and basic training to new small group leaders, and to help seasoned small group leaders refresh themselves on their responsibilities. You may use it either for a group training session or to give individually to small group leaders.
Angie Ward, John Ortberg, Kevin Rapp, and more
Volunteer Youth Leader Orientation Guide
Resources to help youth ministry leaders fit into their roles.
Lee Dean, Frank Sommerville, Tyler Charles, and more
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Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church Leaves the SBC
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The megachurch, known for its popular Elevation Music, has voluntarily withdrawn two weeks after the recent Southern Baptist annual meeting.
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