
Free Webinar: Demystifying Cloud vs. Telco Providers
Enterprise Connect Webinars - Together with No Jitter

SIP Trunking – Demystifying Cloud vs. Telco Providers

Wednesday, December 16, 2020 | Time: 2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT
(Duration: 60 Minutes)
Choosing a SIP Trunking provider is not a straightforward decision. The market has a plethora of providers offering innovative services. In general these providers break down into Telcos and Cloud providers. Each approach carries its own implications, so how do you choose?

Join us for the webinar SIP Trunking - Demystifying Cloud vs Telco Providers for tips on how to make this decision. 
Sponsored by:
Twilio Logo
Hosted by:
No Jitter and Enterprise Connect
In this webinar you will get:
  • An unbiased view of the SIP Trunking market and landscape by industry analyst Diane Myers of Omdia
  • What makes the Cloud and Telco providers different
  • Criteria you can apply to compare the Cloud vs Telco
  • Q&A with industry experts


Diane Myers
Diane Myers 
Chief Analyst
Arvind Rangarajan
Arvind Rangarajan
Sr. Product Marketing Manager
Annie Benitez Pelaez
Annie Benitez Pelaez
GM Elastic SIP Trunking
Eric Krapf
Eric Krapf
GM & Program Co-Chair, Enterprise Connect,
Publisher, No Jitter
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