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The Favor Factor

By Tia McCollors

Sisters in Faith

For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield. – Psalm 5:12

Some people call it the “IT” factor. It’s the infectious magnetism that draws people to a person. It’s an indefinable thing that makes a person seem special and wanted above all others. The world stamps the “IT” label on supermodels, athletes, actors, singers, and the like. It’s about charisma and charm.

The “IT” factor depends on the eye of the beholder so it’s subjective to the world’s view, but the “favor” factor is supernatural. No one – not even our enemies – can deny the presence of God radiating from the life of a favored woman (Proverbs 16:7). Favor encompasses protection (Psalm 91:10), and preference (Proverbs 3:4). The angel Gabriel announced that Mary was “blessed and highly favored.” Today, He has made the same declaration over our lives.

Practical Application: Can you imagine being surrounded by a shield of favor? That means that you’re covered from the front, sides, and the rear! A shield is a sign of a warrior and it deflects weapons and redirects them in another direction. God’s favor ranks higher than the world’s preferences. I’ve heard it said that a moment of favor is worth more than years of labor. Ask Him to surround You with His favor.

Prayer: Lord, you’re such an awesome Father. I’m thankful for Your shield of faith and Your shield of favor. Cover me from my enemies, and attract all things that are good. What You have given me through favor can’t be taken away or denied. Amen!

Tia McCollors is a wife and mother who loves to encourage women to wear their faith like a designer label. Information about her inspirational novels and devotions can be found at

Bible Gateway Recommendations
KJV Sisters in Faith Holy Bible, Hardcover

Edited By: Michele Clark Jenkins, Stephanie Perry Moore

Browse more from the King James Version!

Copyright Information

Excerpt from the Sisters in Faith Holy Bible, King James Version, Copyright © 2012 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Notes and articles copyright © 2012 by Michele Clark Jenkins and Stephanie Perry Moore.

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