Ever heard the saying ‘the market climbs a wall of worry’?
Daily Reckoning

Dear Reader,

Ever heard the saying ‘the market climbs a wall of worry’?

Know what it means?

It’s so ridiculous. It means that investors continue to pour money into a market, knowing full well that there are concerns that could topple the market at any minute.

They continue to invest because pouring more money in contributes to the upward pressure in the market, pushing prices up. Also, they believe that these concerns will be resolved at some point, before it ever comes to a crash.

That’s investor psychology for you. Actually — when you analyse it — it’s a belief in a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I keep buying, stocks will keep going up.

I guess that works up to the point that the ‘concerns’ actually become too big to ignore.

Like the six scary Australian debt facts in this new report.

I’m not sure how concerned you are right now about the market falling over. Whether you’re happy to ‘climb a wall of worry’ or not. You may not even realise that this is what you’re doing.

But I’m willing to bet your view will change when you’ve read this:



James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, Agora Financial Australia