Writer's block is all in your head. Think your way past it! 
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April 1,  2016
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Six Strategies for Breaking Through Writer's Block, Part 1

imageplaceholder SUE JOHNSON
Writer's Digest Tutorials
Happy Friday!

For authors of both fiction and non-fiction, the dreaded writer's block eventually visits us all. In this two-part tutorial, we go through half a dozen exercises to help jar our brains out of the doldrums and through that block. Your writing comes from your imagination, and so does your writer's block. All you have to do is imagine your way out!

Philip Athans has spent the last thirty years as an author and editor and has suffered through more than his share of various form of writer's block. He's tried all six of these exercises himself-and they worked.

In part 1 of this two-part tutorial, we discuss two of the six easy exercises that can help you take control of how you approach your own writing and find ways around any "block" your own head can put in the way.

In this 41-minute tutorial video, we discuss:
  • Writing Prompts
  • Enter from the Farthest Door
Writer's block is all in your head-and you can think your way past it!

Preview: Six Strategies for Breaking Through Writer's Block, Part 1

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Wishing you a happy and healthy week!

~ Sue Johnson~

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Featured Tutorial
Six Strategies for Breaking
Through Writer's Block, Part 1

Taught by author and instructor
Phil Athans

41-minute video tutorial

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