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May 6, 2017


Six Times A Financial Advisor Should Call An Estate Planner

Many advisors simply don’t know what opportunities to look for that would indicate it’s time to bring in an estate planner.

U.S. Senate Confirms Jay Clayton as New SEC Chair

Diana Britton

Industry groups encourage the Wall Street lawyer to put a uniform fiduciary standard at the top of his to-do list.

What Advisors Need to Know About Trump’s Tax Plan

Diana Britton

“The key to tax reform is there will be winners, and there will be losers. Some industries will end up worse off; some industries will end up better off. You want to keep an eye as this process goes forward,” says Andy Friedman, The Washington Update.

Larry Fink on the U.S. Economy and Future of Financial Advice

Michael Thrasher

BlackRock’s CEO is bullish on active management and the need for financial advisors.

Dynasty’s New Liquidity Option Could Attract More Breakaways

Diana Britton

“I hear from a number of advisors that they would make the move to independence if there was a way to get some liquidity around the move, because they view it as a way to potentially de-risk the move,” said Dynasty President and CEO Shirl Penney.

Envestnet Launches New Analytics Suite

Ryan W. Neal

The introduction of Envestnet Analytics kicks off the company's annual Advisor Summit, where data and analytics will be a central theme this week.

House Banking Panel Passes Bill to Undo U.S. Financial Crisis Rules

Pete Schroeder | Reuters

The bill includes a provision repealing the Department of Labor's fiduciary rule, which is currently set to go into effect June 9.

Trump Plan Seen Turning `Everyone and Their Dog' Into an LLC

David Kocieniewski | Bloomberg

The "LLC loophole" would slash rate on pass-through businesses to 15%.

Four Traits That Set Elite Advisors Apart

Matt Oechsli

Here's what goes into the total package.

The ABC Delegation System

Matt Oechsli

Delegation can save advisors a lot of time and empower other team members. Here’s an easy method one advisor recommends.