Plus: maternal vs. paternal diabetes; culture-specific shared medical appointments; difficult patients
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July 7, 2020 : DCMS #509

DISASTERS AVERTED — Near Miss Case Studies

Dealing with Difficult Patients

TOP STORIES - Diabetes News & Research

Sleep Apnea Severity Predicts Incident Diabetes

Maternal vs. Paternal Diabetes

Latino Culture-Specific Shared Medical Appointments
Letter from the Editor

As we move further along into the pandemic, we consistently are learning new things about the disease and how people react to it. One of the big areas of concern is how the coronavirus affects different cultures, and why some people are more affected than others.

It is likely possible that the way that different cultures view disease makes a difference in outcomes. This is not only true for the coronavirus but for all health problems. This has an effect on treatment, as well as on how we discuss the disease.

This week we bring you 2 great examples as our Disaster Averted looks at the reluctance of a Hispanic gentleman to admit he needed insulin, and our intern, David Clarke from the University of Colorado, has an interesting feature on the use of culture-specific shared medical appointments.


We can make a difference!


Dave Joffe


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DISASTERS AVERTED — Near Miss Case Studies

Dealing with Difficult Patients
Ricardo, a 35-year-old man, newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, was hospitalized for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).

Once he was stabilized, he wanted to go home. He refused to learn how to self-administer insulin. However, he was told he would not be discharged until he self-administered insulin, at least one time....

TOP STORIES - Diabetes News and Research

Sleep Apnea Severity Predicts Incident Diabetes
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea are at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and the proper treatment may lower the risk.
Maternal vs. Paternal Diabetes
Understanding the effect of familial diabetes history is one step towards managing type 2 diabetes in young people.
Latino Culture-Specific Shared Medical Appointments
A study in California highlights the importance of addressing cultural and structural barriers in implementing shared medical appointments.


#1 New Technology Leads to Breakthrough in Metformin Mechanism of Action

#2 Could Carb Restriction Lead to Diabetes Remission?

#3 5 Key Exercises for People with Diabetes
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Your Friends in Diabetes Care
Steve and Dave
Diabetes In Control
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Ewing, NJ, 08628
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