Adopting Bitcoin El Salvador 
The annual Adopting Bitcoin conference in El Salvador celebrated developments over the last year and investment into the South American country's Bitcoin economy. 
📝 Today's Rundown
  • 🌋 Adopting Bitcoin: Reflecting on El Salvador's adoption at the annual conference. 
  • 🤖 Bitcoin's The Alternative: After the shifts created by 2008 and COVID-19, Bitcoin is our only hope.
  • 🇳🇬 Nigeria Pushes CBDCsNew limits on cash withdrawals point citizens to CBDCs.
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🌋 Adopting Bitcoin

Adopting Bitcoin: El Salvador Has Work To Do, But The Experiment Is Worth Celebrating
By Rikki

In November El Salvador hosted the Adopting Bitcoin annual conference.

Rikki, who has written for Bitcoin Magazine about his travels in El Salvador before, describes his experience attending and evaluating the adoption that's occurred over the last year.

He mentions a "Bitcoin diploma" program that is offered in public schools in the country and visits a Starbucks and a McDonald's to try to pay with Bitcoin, but is unable to do so at the Starbucks because the staff do not know how to accept it, and is only able to do so at McDonalds because they have an automated system.

Despite all this, Rikki remains optimistic about the slow but meaningful adoption taking place in the country.

Rikki also describes his participation in a panel at the conference called "Orange Pilling The World’s Masses."
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🤖 Bitcoin Is The Alternative

Bitcoin Is A Humanistic Alternative To Technological Salvation
By Nozomi Hayase

The 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic led to a loss of trust in governments and institutions.

Bitcoin emerged as an alternative amongst these and has gained popularity. Central banks are now considering creating their own digital currencies which would give the issuers the power to control every transaction. The competition between CBDCs and Bitcoin will determine the future of humanity, as it involves different visions of the world. In this article, Nozomi Hayase argues that the ideology of technology providing salvation, known as techno-religion, is a threat to democracy and humanism.

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📰 The Daily Bits

🐻 Bitcoin has seen major capitulation: indicators suggest the worst may be over, but significant macro challenges remain.

🗂️ Jack Dorsey urging Elon Musk to disclose Twitter files: Tune in to Bitcoin Magazine LIVE to hear more!

🗣️ Zoltan Pozsar, who will be speaking at Bitcoin 2023, released new macroeconomic commentary

📊 The discount for Grayscale BTC has descended down to -44%
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🇳🇬 Nigeria Pushes CBDCs

Nigeria Pushes CBDC Usage With New ATM Cash Withdrawal Limits
By BtcCasey

Nigeria is trying to push the government's CBDC, the eNaira, via regulations limiting the usage of cash. Citizens will now face hard caps on the amounts they're allowed to pull out of ATMs, and will face percentage charges on withdrawals from banks exceeding certain amounts. 

These types of regulations simply act as inconveniences as the adoption of the government CBDC has, as reported by Bloomberg, not exceeded 0.5% of the population. 

CBDCs are dystopian control mechanisms that allow governments to have total control over citizen's money, and Bitcoin Magazine has had several articles detailing their dangers and their improbability. 

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By @BtcPadre

It's easy to go overboard on stacking occasionally. Fun and games aside, the best plan is to stack according to your income and ability to retain your savings, as opposed to going in over your head and having to sell. 
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