Obviously, this is a small account and the trades are not home runs.
But that isn’t what we are going for.
We are going for small, consistent wins with very low risks.
This combination, through the power of compounding, can produce explosive numbers in a short period of time.
This is a “DONE FOR YOU” service. Ben shoots out weekly videos explaining the trades as a bonus to help subscribers learn as much as possible.
You get the trade exactly as it should be placed. For those who have a Live TradePartner account, all you have to do is hit “turn system on” and it will place the trade for you.
Here is what some of Ben’s subscribers have to say:
Yes, I am having a great time with this program. Finally, I can make
use of what I have learned over the years. On the second trade that
I shared with you earlier, I took 3 units and made over 10k.
Mukesh K.
Absolutely Love your Trade of the week program. I follow it closely
and find myself learning a lot as I go…
…Please keep up the good work with your TOW!
Jim B.
Account is up 45% and my only loser in the last 3 months was
1 of 3 trades last week…And the loss was a fraction of what the
others gained. Between your service, some of RJ’s trades, and
ones I’ve found on my own, things are looking great. Appreciate you!
Jeff N.
Ben, I wanted to thank you – I placed my first trade Monday am
after watching the first several videos and closed the trade today
with a $75.00 profit. Needless to say, I learned a lot during this
week. So, thank you for all you do!!! And, for being patient with
people like me.
Bill K.
This is a great way to get started.
Trade Smart, Retire Wealthy
Ryan Jones
Founder, SmartTrading