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AdLit Beat: All About Adolescent Literacy
I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”   

― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables 

Hi AdLit Beat Readers,
I'm sure it's hard to believe that you are three to four months into the school year. As the seasons change, it's a good time to reflect on tweaks you can make to your instruction. Have you offered choice in what your students are reading or how they interact with the text? Are students engaged in discussions with one another? Small changes can have a big impact on students' motivation to learn, engagement with text and materials, and your joy of teaching. 

Speak Soon,

Carrie Simkin, PhD
Director, AdLit

Catching Up with Author Rick Riordan

We recently caught up with one of our most beloved authors and early AdLit supporters, Rick Riordan

Catch up on his new imprint, collaborations, and what continues to inspire his stories and characters.

2023 Grateful American Book Prize Winner Announced

The Grateful American Foundation is a proud partner
The Grateful American Book Prize recognizes authors who create absorbing works of literature for 7th to 9th graders about American events and personalities. 

Mattie and The Machine is Lynn Ng Quezon's fictionalized yet historically accurate account of Margaret E. Knight’s fight to obtain recognition as a 19th century female inventor. 

In the Classroom: We Are America       

From our award-winning teacher blogger, Jessica Lander, comes a post on how a classroom project about identity and inclusion grew into a national storytelling project.
Strategy Highlight: Power Notes           
Revamped Reading and Writing Strategies

We've reworked our strategy pages, adding new videos, classroom examples, fillable pdfs, and teaching tips!

Power Notes
Power Notes help students differentiate between main ideas and details using a hierarchical structure that clarifies how ideas are connected. Power Notes can also support students’ writing, helping to organize their ideas before composing paragraphs or multi-paragraph essays.

Power Notes can be used across disciplines, providing a universal way for students to organize information and their ideas.

Sister Site Highlight: Colorin Colorado!

Toolkit: Navigating Tough Topics in the Classroom: Tips for ELL Educators

Educators are often faced with the dilemma of how to discuss challenging topics in the classroom. The stronger your classroom community is and the better you know your students, the more informed your decisions about these conversations will be.

There are a number of steps that caring educators can take to build community, establish shared guidelines, and ensure that English language learners (ELLs) and immigrant students are included and supported in these discussions in meaningful ways — steps can make a significant difference when tough topics arise.

Part 1: Building Community in the Classroom


Part 2: Creating Shared Expectations in the Classroom

Part 3: Developing Students' Discussion Skills

Part 4: Talking About Tough Topics

Part 5: When Conversations Take a Difficult Turn

Part 6: Discussing Race and Racism with ELLs

Part 7: Discussing Political Violence with ELLs, Immigrants, and Refugees

Part 8: Supporting Families Impacted by a Global Crisis

Part 9: Booklists About Tough Topics

Part 10: Closing Thoughts
Up With AdLit
Get inspired by middle grade and young adult stories, characters, and journeys! If your students loved Divergent, check out these read alikes.
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A special thanks to the National Education Association for their support of AdLit.org. Their generous grant affirms the NEA's commitment to literacy, equity, and achievement for all of our students.
The Grateful American Foundation is a proud partner of AdLit.org, supporting author interviews, the development of instructional resources, and the relaunch of AdLit’s “Unlocking the Past” project.
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