Perseverance set for its first sample on Mars, but bring a snack because it's going to take a while; NW Arkansas is paying $10k for tech talent to move there, and it's working
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Smart Cities Robotic Challenge puts machines to everyday tests of riding elevators and delivering food

More cities have adopted drones, but researchers are finding ways for robots to take on tedious and dangerous tasks as well.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Perseverance set for its first sample on Mars, but bring a snack because it's going to take a while

NW Arkansas is paying $10k for tech talent to move there, and it's working

The space wide web is ready to launch

Let the Linux kernel Rust

Windows 11 Insider preview adds Microsoft Teams chat feature

Survey: Voice tech is at a tipping point with 31% of respondents using it daily

Scammers offer streaming services, giveaways and a fake cyber currency to cash in on the Olympic Games

Moore's Law doesn't work for batteries, but innovations are coming anyway

Are software-configurable products in your company's future?

How low-code development could boost AI adoption

Zoom rolls out two product offerings geared at the hybrid workforce

Why your company needs to be on Instagram and strategies to jumpstart your 'gram brand

Featured multimedia

Windows 11 cheat sheet: Everything you need to know (free PDF)

Microsoft unveiled on June 24, 2021 its newest operating system, Windows 11—almost six years after Windows 10 debuted. Windows 11 will offer several updates and new features, including a simpler design intended to increase productivity, ease of use and creativity, ways to connect to people faster, better PC gaming experiences, faster ways to get information you need, an all-new Microsoft Store, and a more open ecosystem that unlocks new opportunities for developers and other creators.

Featured survey

What are your IT budget priorities for 2022? Has COVID-19 affected your fiscal 2022 budget planning? Who in your organization makes initial recommendations for items in the IT budget? Let us know by taking this quick survey.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Business leader as developer: The rise of no-code and low-code software

No-code and low-code software is changing how enterprise applications are created and who is creating them. In this special feature, ZDNet helps IT leaders understand the consequences of non-developers becoming app builders and how to successfully take advantage of this trend.

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