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Smartwatches are a ‘Hotbed’ for Pathogen Growth, Spread

Dogs are often used for tracking in police investigations, but forensic scientists at Flinders University say dogs can provide even more crucial evidence—including DNA.

The original contaminated genome analysis found genetic traces of Steppe Herders in Ötzi’s DNA, but now advanced DNA sequencing technologies revealed the Iceman’s genome had much more ancestry in common with early Anatolian farmers.

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have found that molecules in vegetables like broccoli or cauliflower help to maintain a healthy barrier in the lung and ease infection.

The new method uses a metal wire close-mesh lattice coated with polymers and titanium dioxide.

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers in Colorado have shown that recreation can alter the chemical and microbial fingerprint of streams.

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