Tu Salud News Update
Mobile App Supports Smoking Cessation Among Latinos
The app, Impacto, helps users overcome the physical and emotional side effects associated with smoking cessation.
For Many, Weight-Loss Drugs Are Pricey and Expanding Access Is Hard
Millions of Americans could benefit from the blockbuster GLP-1 drugs. What would it take to bring down costs?
Personalized Vaccine May Help Prevent Kidney Cancer Recurrence
None of the nine patients who received the vaccine after surgery experienced recurrence over three years.
House Cats With Bird Flu Could Pose a Risk to Public Health
There’s a lack of research on whether cat biology makes them more susceptible to H5N1 than other mammals, including humans, pigs, or dogs.
Healthy Recipe: Mocha Chocolate Tofu Mousse
The tofu gives the pudding an appealing mousse-like texture and can safely be served to tofu haters.
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