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Smug Seattle to mom and pop landlords: Criminals are welcome! Your rights not so much
Smug Seattle to mom and pop landlords: Criminals are welcome! Your rights not so much

Each of these laws by itself curtails landlords' rights to their own property and raises serious safety and financial risks.

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Chick-fil-A VP: Summer jobs and the incredible lifelong lessons they offer young people

While a job may last just for a summer or during after-school hours, it can have a long-term positive impact on a young person.

Chick-fil-A VP: Summer jobs and the incredible lifelong lessons they offer young people

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Swamp Watch: The European Union

2014 EU report estimated that corruption costs the EU economy more than 120 billion euros every year.

Swamp Watch: The European Union
Kimmel blasts Trump and GOP after Santa Fe shooting

What action did the Obama administration take on gun control? 'Fox & Friends' panel reacts.

Kimmel blasts Trump and GOP after Santa Fe shooting
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