An affordable health care option for busy families on the go
This email is sent on behalf of our sponsor Medi-Share
An Affordable Health Care Option for Busy Families on the Go
Summer can be the busiest time of year for families. So if you suffer from seasonal sniffles, it can be hard to find time to see a doctor. That’s why we want to introduce you to our friends at Medi-Share.
Medi-Share is a ministry that offers an affordable health care alternative for Christians and their families. Members have 24/7 access to Telehealth for zero additional cost. That means they can see a board-certified doctor from the comfort of their home anytime, anywhere.
Additional member perks include:
- Nationwide Provider Flexibility
- Dental, Vision, and Prescription Discounts
- Prayer and Support from a Christian Community
If you are looking for an affordable health care option that can keep up with your busy lifestyle, consider our friends at Medi-Share.